queue of more than 15 blocks to load fuel in San Martín de los Andes

2023-10-31 01:27:59 Due to the lack of fuel, a very particular postcard was experienced this Monday in San Martín de los Andes. The The line of vehicles to charge at one of the service stations was almost two kilometers long. In the mountain town, shortages began to be detected since last Thursday. This was exacerbated … Read more

Alert for rain throughout Neuquén and in Roca this Wednesday, and for snowfall: the worst times

2023-10-31 00:48:21 The previous days, wind and gusts affected the region. For this week, heavy rainfall is expected in Neuquén and Río Negro. The National Meteorological Service (SMN) reported that there is a yellow alert for rain and snowfall. “The area will be affected by rains of varying intensity, some heavy. Accumulated precipitation values ​​between … Read more

«He arrived in serious condition at Castro Rendón»

2023-10-20 22:30:45 A suspected case of hantavirus was reported this Friday to RÍO NEGRO Newspaper. The 53-year-old patient presented symptoms in Villa Traful and was transferred to San Martín de los Andes, from where they determined his referral to the Castro Rendón hospital in Neuquén capital. The sources consulted detailed that the medical flight arrived … Read more