Rebeca Garcia and her brother denied bail

They were arrested in Spain / Photo: MP ” data-medium-file=”×337.jpg” data-large-file=”×450.jpg”/> They were arrested in Spain / Photo: MP The judge in charge of the case in Spain of the arrest of Rebeca García and her brother Francisco, denied the possibility of paying bail to the young Venezuelans, who will continue to be deprived of … Read more

Anny de Trindade Exposes Sexual Harassment by Rebeca García: The Disturbing Truth Revealed

2024-05-07 03:58:02 This Monday, the complaint of the social communicator, Anny de Trindade, went viral on the networks, who exposed the sexual harassment of which she is a victim by a citizen whom she identifies as Rebeca García. This might also interest you: Federation of Public Employees does not rule out a salary increase for … Read more