G7 nations agree to provide 50 billion {dollars} to Ukraine from Russian property – World

The G-7 group of developed nations has agreed to offer $50 billion of Russia’s frozen property to assist Ukraine battle the Russian navy. US President Joe Biden stated that this resolution is a reminder to Russia that we’ve not backed down on the difficulty of Ukraine. Russia has reacted strongly to this resolution made on … Read more

Anti-mafia, chaos breaks out upon Emiliano’s summons. “Inopportune”, usual cry of the left –

The president of the Puglia region Michele Emiliano considers the call to the Anti-Mafia commission to be “inappropriate” for political reasons, but the call still arrives for May 2nd at 10.30am. The letter in which the governor explains the reasons for the inappropriateness of the hearing – given the current political situation at regional level … Read more

Bari Connection ends up in front of the Anti-Mafia. The audition for Emiliano – is ready

In the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission we are moving towards the hearings of the president of the Puglia Region Michele Emiliano and the Bari prosecutor Roberto Rossi as part of the in-depth analysis of the ‘Bari case’, after the investigation and the arrival of the Commission for access to the Municipality. According to what Adnkronos reveals, … Read more

“Double scandal”. Why did he know about the investigation into Pisicchio? – The weather

The Puglia case is enriched by a sensational political-judicial twist. The president of the Democratic Party of the region Michele Emiliano would have notified Alfonsino Pisicchio, the former extraordinary commissioner of the Arts whom the governor had appointed in December 2023, of the ongoing investigations. Pisicchio himself reported this during the guarantee interrogation, in which … Read more

“He alerted me to the investigation.” Chats appear –

Rita Cavallaro April 19, 2024 The deep throat of the Pisicchio arrest? The governor of Puglia, Michele Emiliano. It is the incredible revelation that Alfonso Pisicchio, former regional councilor and Arts commissioner, made to the investigating judge during the interrogation on the investigation into electoral corruption and rigged tenders, which last April 10th led him … Read more

it’s a total clash – Time

Giuseppe Conte tears. After the judicial earthquake that involved Bari and beyond, with the arrest in the last hours with his brother Enzo of Alfonso Pisicchio, commissioner of the Arts (Regional Technology Agency) and former councilor in the Municipality and then in the Region, the leader of the M5S arrives in the Apulian capital and … Read more