Peru: President Castillo appoints a politician investigated by the Prosecutor’s Office as Prime Minister | International

Chávez, 33, is a lawyer born in the province of Tacna, on the border with Chile, and previously served as Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion in the current government, a position for which she was censured by Congress. The president of Peru, Peter Castillo, appointed this Friday as the fifth president of the Council … Read more

LIVE | Pedro Castillo swears in members of Betssy Chávez’s Cabinet | Anibal Torres | | POLITICS

At 10 p.m., the president Pedro Castillo swears in the members of the Ministerial Cabinet led by Betssy Chávez, whose appointment was known in the morning. The announcement was made by the Government Palace 15 minutes before. Watch here the ceremony in the Golden Room and without the assistance of the press. These are the … Read more

Pedro Castillo: Esdras Medina assures that he has ready a suspension motion against the president | Pedro Castillo

The congressman of the caucus of we are peru Ezra Medina affirmed that his parliamentary group already has a motion for suspension ready against the President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo. This was stated upon leaving the meeting he had with the High Level Group from Organization of American States (OAS)this Tuesday, November 22. In … Read more

OAS High-Level Commission Begins Meetings with State Representatives in Lima

The OAS responded to the request of the spokesmen for the benches and summoned them for this Monday at 7 pm in the Swisshotel of San Isidro. Los congressmen who will meet with High Level Commission They are: Guillermo Bermejo (Democratic Peru), Jorge Marticorena (Bicentennial Peru), Ruth Luque (Democratic Change-Together for Peru), Oscar Zea Choquechambi … Read more

LIVE | Congress: Plenary session resumes after a question of confidence raised by Aníbal Torres and debates Pedro Castillo’s permission to travel to Mexico and Chile | POLITICS

Congress resumed its plenary session at 3:30 p.m. after the decision of the President of the Council of Ministers, Hannibal Torresto raise a question of confidence about a project that seeks to repeal the Ley 31399 what reinforces the limits of a referendum. However, at the beginning of the session, the head of the Congress, … Read more

Harvey Colchado: Mininter says that he did not authorize the withdrawal of the officer and that he will continue as head of the Search Division | POLITICS

Colonel PNP Harvey Colchado was removed on Monday from the headquarters of the Search Division of the General Intelligence Directorate (Digimin) of the Ministry of Interior. Hours later and after the general rejection of the measure, which was described as an obstruction by the prosecution, the Ministry of the Interior stated that it did not … Read more

Latest news from Pedro Castillo in Peru today Sunday, January 2, 2022 LIVE ATMP | Pedro Castillo

The former presidential candidate and leader of the Alliance for Progress party, César Acuña, said through his Twitter account that Peru begins 2022 in a crisis situation. He indicated that the best way to face it would be through a work schedule that takes into account the demands of the people, as well as an … Read more