Tag: passportpoli


“Ascertain responsibilities” –

Edoardo Sirignano 10 maggio 2024 Passportpoli arrives in Parliament. The majority rallies around Andrea Di Giuseppe, the deputy threatened for having reported to the Prosecutor’s

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what doesn’t add up – Time

Rita Cavallaro 11 maggio 2024 There is another mystery over which the shadows are gathering, following the discovery of the “Passportopoli” at the Italian Consulate

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the Farnesina sends inspectors –

Rita Cavallaro and Dario Martini 06 maggio 2024 A round of fake Italian citizenships, obtained by Venezuelan families through identity theft and artificial registry certificates,

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citizenship is served –

Rita Cavallaro and Dario Martini 06 maggio 2024 The citizenship trick that is hidden in what appear to be possible thefts of a dead person’s

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