Dimitris Papanotas: What number of potatoes has Stefanos Kasselakis made since he took over? – 2024-06-04 00:43:39

Dimitris Papanotas spoke about his expulsion from the SYRIZA European poll, firing new arrows in opposition to Stefanos Kasselakis. Talking on the present “After Darkish” at Open on Friday night (31.5.24), Dimitris Papanotas, stressing that from the start he had supported the candidacy of Stefanos Kasselakis for the presidency of SYRIZA, expressed his disappointment with … Read more

Papanotas: How did he comment on his expulsion from SYRIZA – 2024-04-21 10:59:53

On the “Happy Day” show, he spoke Dimitris Papanotasafter the Stefanos Kasselakis’ decision to remove him from the SYRIZA European ballot on the occasion of his statements on gender violence. “I don’t like that I was dismissed when I was ready to resign, it’s unethical” he commented. Speaking to Stamatina Tsimtsilis, Dimitris Papanotas initially commented … Read more