Weather forecast, “everything disappears”. Sottocorona indicates the turning point in 48 hours –

The disturbance that Italy is experiencing is starting to weaken, he explains Paolo Sottocorona in the forecasts weather forecast on Wednesday 10 April. The La7 meteorologist before Omnibus announced that “this is what was expected in the central and southern areas”, while the effects of low pressure are still felt in the North. In fact, … Read more

what awaits us – Time

We’re here now: what will the weather be like? Easter it’s at Easter Monday? The forecast di Paolo Sottocoronathe La7 meteorologist, report a situation of weak cloud cover but the threat comes from the west. Friday 29 March we have “clear spells in the south, gray with very light rain in the central areas while … Read more

what happens at the weekend –

The weekend before Easter is characterized by some atmospheric uncertainty. The latest forecast by Paolo Sottocorona for La7, Saturday 23 March, shows light rain passing through the central and southern areas and the North-East, in the Alpine and Pre-Alpine areas. Phenomena that will affect Trentino Alto Adige, upper Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia “with rainfall that … Read more

where spring makes itself felt –

High pressure, mild temperatures and stable weather: in short, spring in much of Italy. But in fact it is “a spring high pressure” with cloudiness coming from the west to threaten the good weather a bit, explains La7 meteorologist Paolo Sottocorona in the weather forecast for Omnibus. But the Atlantic instability “is not very intense” … Read more