“Zesta’s refereeing changed the result” – 2024-04-14 19:26:57

A direct “attack” against the referee Zesta was made by the management of Panegialeio, which issued an announcement about the refereeing on the occasion of today’s game. The announcement reads: “Unfortunately once again and for one more game of ours, the referee Michael Zestas of the Piraeus association and his company from the association, with … Read more

“An apology is not enough,” says Paneiyalios | Third National: News, Results, Ratings – 2024-03-04 16:56:43

An announcement about the refereeing of the match with AER Afantou was issued by Paneiyalios, which reads as follows: “Standing tactic of Paneiyalio G.S. is not to deal with the refereeing and especially with its representatives who show an inability to handle games of the 3rd National Team. But for the second time this year, … Read more