Change of web page within the administration of Panegialeion – 2024-06-04 08:57:37

Every week of developments is the one which began on the Panegialeio camp, because the Basic Meeting is scheduled to happen on Wednesday.In actual fact, we had affirmation of the “Peloponnisos” report relating to the day when the overall meeting will probably be held on the Affiliation and it’ll imply the executive developments for the … Read more

That is the following day in Paneiyalio – 2024-05-21 09:43:27

After Dimitris Andriopoulos, Thanos Andrikopoulos may also be a part of the administration of Panegialei. That’s, the individuals who lifted the membership’s monetary burden within the third Nationwide Championship this 12 months. Drawback; Though, so it appears, perhaps issues will develop into higher. The primary and predominant challenge that arises is monetary. At the moment, … Read more