Shilov’s first victory in the Stanley Cup

The playoff matches of the NHL championship continue overseas, where Latvia is represented by two Vancouver players – goalkeeper Artur Shilov and forward Teodor Blueger, as well as Florida defenseman Uvis Balinskis. True, the latter has not yet appeared on the ice. Florida is ahead in the first round of the Stanley Cup against Tampa … Read more

Recruitment to the courts of Achaia is a drop in the ocean: Only 10 come and 45 leave – 2024-03-16 21:45:41

Minister of Justice Giorgos Floridis continues to make announcements for the recruitment of 1,200 judicial officers with his statements from the floor of the Parliament, which, however, remain to this day without any substantial response, at least for the judicial services of Achaia. The court officials of Patras report to “Peloponnese” that the knot has … Read more

Building the Google Maps of the ocean | Coffee and theorems | Science

Two recent events are showing the relevance of choosing good routes for maritime navigation. On the one hand, the crisis in the Red Sea is forcing many shipping companies to operate the route around Africa instead of the Suez Canal. Is it possible to choose a new route that consumes less fuel or is covered … Read more

Identifying Thanh Do Real Estate Investment, the “big guy” won a series of large projects in Hai Duong

Thanh Dong Real Estate Investment Joint Stock Company has just been fined 400 million VND by the People’s Committee of Hai Duong province due to land-related violations. The enterprise was established in 2004, with charter capital of nearly 930 billion VND. Notably, Thanh Dong Real Estate is the enterprise that won a series of large … Read more

An underground ocean found on Saturn’s moon Mimas | Science

Mars is the planet with which extraterrestrials identify, but there are other nearby worlds, within the Solar System, where life is possible. Covered by tens or hundreds of kilometers of rock and ice, the underground oceans of some moons of Jupiter or Saturn remain warm enough to have liquid water and have chemical conditions where … Read more

Exploring the Surprising Allure of Unpredictable Miami: A Comprehensive Guide to the City’s Economic and Tech Landscape

2023-12-15 17:00:00 But despite this, Miami surprises. Relatively flat, the city has let buildings grow like mushrooms. Buildings with original shapes, more rounded, more “flex” than in other large American cities. All decorated with palm trees. It’s amazing. And the city, despite its size and its history, still has many construction sites. The city is … Read more

Unforgettable Moments: Exploring the World on a Luxury Cruise with MSC Cruises

2023-12-09 19:44:47 From the flagship destinations and sunny coasts of the Mediterranean, to the spectacular fjords and iconic cities of Northern Europe, the white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters of the Caribbean, the modern skyscrapers, dunes and oriental charm of the Emirates and the vast expanses and bustling cities of North America, cruises promise … Read more

These dolphins detect heartbeats

2023-12-04 17:02:22 According to some, dolphins are particularly sensitive animals. However, this is not what would allow them to capture the beat of our hearts. But indeed a physical capacity that researchers have just demonstrated in the Bottlenose Dolphin. It can detect electric fields. This will also interest you [EN VIDÉO] A bottlenose dolphin in … Read more