We stand against any prejudice 2024-03-05 00:09:04

This business has been operating since 2019 with the vision of professional rehabilitation and the greatest possible autonomy of young people with mental disabilities and other developmental disorders. There, he met its president, Giorgos Bouloukos, two employees-persons with mental disabilities, a teacher and parents, while he participated in the packing process. Immediately afterwards, the Minister … Read more

Non-state universities: No to lost opportunities 2024-03-02 09:49:56

As he typically states in “through this”, “we cannot stand any more lost opportunities as a country. And this must be, perhaps, the most important lesson of the 50 years of post-colonialism. A mature and stable European democracy of the 21st century cannot sleep with the ghosts of the left and junta of the 20th … Read more