Two twin girls died in Menoufia in mysterious circumstances

Al-Bajour Hospital in Menoufia Governorate received two girls in a state of severe fatigue, and attempts to save them failed, which led to their death after entering the hospital, under mysterious circumstances. Major General Hazem Sami, Director of Menoufia Security, received a notification from Colonel Hassan Al-Nashal, the warden of the Bagour Police Station in … Read more

Shahama Martyrs.. a solemn funeral for 5 people who were killed inside a sewer in Menoufia

In a solemn funeral scene, thousands of people from the village of Al-Bishah, affiliated to Ashmoun District, Menoufia Governorate, were buried, 5 people were killed inside a sewage drain in Menoufia. And the passers-by called for help, and the other four tried to rescue him in succession, but they died of suffocation by inhaling poisonous … Read more

Find out the prices of sacrifices in the Menouf market, the largest market in Menoufia.. live

“The Seventh Day” presented a live broadcast from inside the Menouf city market for cattle Menoufia Governorate, the largest market in Menoufia Governorate, a few days before the blessed Eid Al-Adha. Mohamed Zayed, one of the merchants in the Menouf market, who lives in the village of Dabarky, which is affiliated to the Menouf Center … Read more

The launch of the “Your Right to Organize” campaign to provide reproductive health services in Menoufia

The Directorate of Health in Menoufia announced the launch of the revitalization campaign forFamily planning and health Today, Sunday, under the slogan (You have the right to organize) to provide free family planning and reproductive health services in the cities and villages of the governorate. This comes within the keenness of the Ministry of Health … Read more

The Governor of Menoufia refers 8 officials to the prosecution, in a major corruption case in Al-Shuhada Hospital

Referred by Major General Ibrahim Ahmed Abu Lemon Menoufia Governorate8 of the collection officials at the Central Martyrs Hospital for the Public Prosecution to implement its affairs to investigate a forgery incident associated with embezzlement and manipulation in the books of 19 public health “A, B, C” in order to preserve public money and the … Read more

I know the results of the preparatory certificate in 18 governorates after its approval.. with the seat number

“The Seventh Day” publishes a result Junior certificate In a number of governorates at the level of the Republic, after being approved by the governors of those governorates, with different success rates according to each governorate, within the framework of the service that the site provides to its readers and to obtain them in the … Read more

The result of the preparatory school .. the governor of the lake approves the result of the first term with a success rate of 76%

Major General Hisham Amna – Governor of Beheira approved the results of the first semester January 2022/2021 for the certificate of completion of the basic education stage ( Junior certificate ) for Al-Buhaira Governorate, with a success rate of 76%, as the total number of applicants reached 115,826 male and female students, of whom 115,269 … Read more

The result of the preparatory certificate .. the Governor of Menoufia approves the result with a success rate of 77.04%

It was recently adopted by Major General Ibrahim Ahmed Abu Limon, Governor of Menoufia, as a result Junior certificate The general public held the round of January 2022 with a success rate of 77.04% in official, sports and private schools, languages ​​and home students, and the number of attendees was (83,695) students. The governor also … Read more