YouTube has a brand new drawback for followers of advert blockers

YouTube is regularly including new methods to get customers to decide out of advert blockers. The platform initially displayed a message recommending that the blocker be disabled, however this method had little impact as customers merely ignored the message. Then YouTube began limiting video loading and buffering. The brand new characteristic rewinds the video to … Read more

On the eastern border there are concrete blocks and bastions. And this is just the beginning

“The first road has also been dug, that is, work is already underway,” the minister emphasized in an interview. Applications for the introduction of border security measures have been announced. According to Sproods, 66 companies applied to participate in the competition, which is a significant number. The ministry is currently in the process of negotiations … Read more

Restrictions on gambling introduced in Riga are recognized as unconstitutional

If the territorial plan establishes restrictions on specific types of commercial activities, the actions of the local government must be objectively justified and based on rational considerations, the Constitutional Court noted. The case was considered based on applications from several persons who received licenses for gambling establishments on the basis of permits issued by the … Read more