“Spiritual work only comes when my bones have finally fused”

Last November, Júlia Szász was seriously injured when, during the performance of Romeo and Juliet, she and her co-star, Lajos Otto Horváth, fell from the upper floor of the set, which was equipped with iron traverses. The actress has now told ELLE about her recovery. Júlia Szász in the Caucasian chalk circle / Photo: Zsolt … Read more

Life+Style: Júlia Szász: I will dance until morning if I am declared 100% cured

Life+Style: Júlia Szász: I will dance until morning if I am declared 100% cured | hvg.hu Would you like to get the most important news right away? No please Please Click to turn on notifications “Please” button! The notification function is available in the following browsers:Chrome 61+, Firefox 57+, Safari 10.1+ Thank you for subscribing! … Read more