Apple Inc. Announces Software Update for iPhone 15 Overheating Issues

2023-09-30 20:30:00 Apple Inc. (Apple Inc.), a giant US technology company Statement on Saturday (September 30) local time that Apple will notify iPhone 15 users to update the software soon to fix problems with “Overheating” Apple statement states that new iPhone models are experiencing overheating problems. Due to a combination of flaws (bugs) in the … Read more

iOS 17: new options for dual SIM users

2023-08-30 10:18:45 Dual SIM, quite a story with the iPhone! It took until 2018 for Apple to finally tackle this problem, but the response was far from perfect.. At the time, the use of a dual SIM was particularly felt on the autonomy of mobile devices from Apple. The worst part of this little game … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to iOS 17: New Features, Devices, and How to Install

2023-08-22 04:00:00 Mones Hawas wrote Tuesday, August 22, 2023 07:00 AM iOS 17 was officially announced at WWDC and is the biggest annual Apple software update for iPhone users, and this year, iOS 17 contains new features for Messages, FaceTime, and widgets, and below we show everything you need to know about This system and … Read more