A report reinforces state medical aid, while recommending its tightening

2023-12-05 04:15:02 Does State medical aid (AME) have an “attractive effect”? Should we modify the care covered by this health coverage which, by mid-2023, benefited nearly 440,000 undocumented foreigners? Does a reform involve risks for public health or hospital finances? These are the questions that the evaluation mission entrusted by the government to the former … Read more

In Saint-Denis, doctors at Delafontaine hospital fear losing their AME

2023-12-02 05:00:37 François Lhote, head of the internal medicine department at Delafontaine hospital, in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), in his office, November 27, 2023. CAMILLE MILLERAND/DIVERGENCE FOR “M LE MAGAZINE DU MONDE” In Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), the teams at Delafontaine hospital are unanimous. If state medical aid (AME) were to disappear, it would be a catastrophe. The immigration … Read more

MPs restore state medical aid

2023-11-29 17:42:59 The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, at the National Assembly, November 28, 2023. LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP The deputies deleted, Wednesday, November 29, by a very large majority, an article introduced by the senators which intended to transform state medical aid (AME) into simple emergency medical aid (AMU), in the draft “immigration” … Read more

“Who can think that a hypothetical refusal of care discourages illegal immigration? »

2023-11-28 14:30:05 A On the occasion of the examination of the bill on immigration, the Senate voted at first reading the transformation of State medical aid (AME) into emergency medical aid (AMU), an obligation which, remaining, appears in the various texts of international law, in the chapter of the right to health. This shock measure … Read more

“Care workers, let’s unite against the planned abolition of state medical aid”

2023-11-19 14:00:05 QWhat does this mean, morally, the planned abolition of state medical aid (AME)? What does the loss of this legal system of aid to undocumented foreigners, the poor among the poor, mean by the vote in the Senate on November 7? To these questions, the legislator responded: no longer waste public money trying … Read more

“The lack of work immigration is handicapping France”

2023-11-17 11:30:08 A On the occasion of the bill tabled by the government, the debate on immigration has resurfaced in the news. Unsurprisingly, the security and identity aspects hold a preponderant place, eclipsing certain economic realities that should nevertheless be taken into account to allow a true democratic debate. Because immigration for economic reasons is … Read more

“The Senate’s decision to abolish the AME does not correspond to any medical, budgetary or anti-fraud logic”

2023-11-17 05:30:21 IThese are dark times for public health and, more broadly, the humanist values ​​that underpin our society. We have just experienced one with the vote, on November 7, of the Senate abolishing State Medical Aid (AME). This vote, totally ideological, is carried by an irrational wave which ignores public health analyses, but also … Read more

3,500 doctors threaten to disobey if state medical aid disappears

2023-11-11 16:12:54 At Bethune-Beuvry hospital (Pas-de-Calais), October 16, 2020. PASCAL ROSSIGNOL / REUTERS “I, a physician, declare that I will continue to provide free treatment to undocumented patients according to their needs, in accordance with the Hippocratic Oath that I have taken. » here is “declaration of disobedience” signed by 3,500 salaried and self-employed doctors, … Read more