The “parade” of names for the position of Artistic Director continues – 2024-04-18 08:36:09

There may be only nine days left until the deadline for submitting applications for the position of Artistic Director of DIPETHE Patras, but to date, not a single file has arrived at the Theater’s offices, even those of Tatianas Loverdou and Dimitris Georgalas, who as revealed a few days ago by “P” they are the … Read more

For the second day, the SYRIZA Congress – Gerovasili announces her candidacy tomorrow – 2024-02-25 22:27:49

The attention of the domestic political scene is on the SYRIZA Congress after yesterday’s rapid developments, which were triggered by the resounding intervention of Alexis Tsipras, with Stefanos Kasselakis announcing new elections to elect the president of the party. And while the work of the SYRIZA conference is in progress, the machines are working at … Read more