Peru: Former President Kuczynski says he suffers from the same ailment that led to the pardon of Alberto Fujimori | International

The humanitarian pardon that Kuczynski granted to Fujimori was annulled due to irregularities in 2018, among which the convicted ex-president’s medical report was questioned, but above all due to the accusations made by then-legislator Moisés Mamani that Kenji Fujimori, in his capacity as parliamentarian , offered him political favors in exchange for voting against impeachment. … Read more

Former President Jeanine Áñez goes on hunger strike before the trial against him / International

Carolina Ribera, daughter of former interim president of Bolivia, Jeanine Añez, held a press conference at the gates of the Miraflores Women’s Prison, where she read a handwritten letter from the former president in which she says she is going on hunger strike before the start of the trial against her. The former interim president … Read more

“Chaos and Carnage”: Biden to Blame Trump for Assault on Capitol, According to Jen Psaki | International

On January 6, 2021, thousands of supporters of Donald Trump stormed the Capitol, where the victory of Joe Biden in the presidential elections in the United States was certified. Democrats denounced an “insurrection” and “attempted coup” but for the Republican magnate it was an “unarmed demonstration” of “patriots” against a “stolen” election. The president of … Read more