Learn about the imams’ schedule for Tarawih and Tahajjud prayers during the nights of Ramadan at the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque

Al-Marsad newspaper – SPA: The General Presidency for the Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque announced the imams’ schedule for Tarawih and Tahajjud prayers during the nights of Ramadan in the Grand Mosque. She said that he will lead the worshipers in the Tarawih and Tahajjud prayers in the Grand Mosque throughout … Read more

24H on GAMERGEN.COM: our tests and scores for Horizon Forbidden West, and anything new for Resident Evil?

Le 24h on GAMERGEN.COM is a daily section allowing you to review the essential news of the past 24 hours. What happened on this Monday, February 17, 2022? Horizon Forbidden West hits shelves around the world. For the moment, we have given you our impressions of the PS5 edition and of the PS4 version. Of … Read more

“The Children of the Haram did it for me.”

Al-Marsad newspaper: A few hours after its release on YouTube, the Egyptian artist, Mohamed Ramadan, is close to gaining one million viewers on his new song, “Bye Bye Secondary”. However, “No. 1” was soon celebrated for its success until harsh criticism swept social networking sites. The video clip for the song “Bye Bye High School”, … Read more

Germany bans Russia Today TV channel

► Why this ban? This is the last leg of a soap opera that started on December 16. On that day, the day of the launch of Russia Today in Germany (RT-DE), the YouTube platform suspended the German language account of this television channel funded by the Russian government. YouTube invokes the channel’s failure to … Read more

Horizon Forbidden West shows its first gameplay on PS4 Pro

Less than a month to launch Horizon Forbidden West in PS5 Y PS4, Guerrilla Games has announced that the project has reached its phase gold, which means you’re ready to take the next steps until you reach Sony consoles next 18th of February. Along with this announcement, the developer has published an article in the … Read more