Agreement between the Financial Times and OpenAI

2024-04-30 11:17:23 The Financial Times (FT) and OpenAI, creator of ChatGPT, on Monday struck a deal to license content from the British daily to the US artificial intelligence (AI) startup, which has been accused by other media of copyright infringement. The license agreement will allow ChatGPT to provide its users” news summaries attributed to the … Read more

Fear of the Liz Truss shock 2024-03-28 06:11:45

AAmerica’s huge national debt always worries the world – but apparently even more so in times of rising interest rates. The reason for this are calculations from the American “Congressional Budget Office”, a congressional authority whose task is to examine and estimate expenditure within a budget year. The agency published figures showing that America’s national … Read more

Russian Oil Exports Defy Western Sanctions: How Russia Outmaneuvers Price Caps to Ship More Oil

2023-09-26 13:08:00 The West’s price cap was actually intended to slow down Russian oil exports. But new calculations show that Russia actually ships more. Russia has apparently managed to largely circumvent Western sanctions on oil and compensate for this through new trading markets. Russian oil shipments have increased by 50 percent this spring. Almost three … Read more

New Wave of Coronavirus Infections: Experts Warn of Omicron Mutant Impact and Seasonal Variants

2023-08-31 13:37:36 Scientists have warned that the world is at risk of a dangerous wave of coronavirus infection, after an increase in the number of cases caused by new subspecies of the “Omicron” mutant, this summer, according to the newspaper.Financial Times“. And the British newspaper said in a report, Wednesday, that with the end of … Read more

Antitrust Officials Ramp Up Probe on Rampant Consolidation in Pharma Industry

2023-06-12 17:24:12 Drug price scammer Martin Shkreli was unique. But the antitrust officials have new reasons for get mad at the pharmaceutical industry. The US Federal Trade Commission now disapproves of his “rampant consolidation.” A sign of a more interventionist approach is the renewed distrust of vertical acquisitions. Drug price scammer Martin Shkreli was unique. … Read more

EU: Sweden of all places is slowing down Europe’s common migration policy

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Elon Musk offers a proposal to end the tension between China and Taiwan

Billionaire Elon Musk believes that it is possible to end the tension between China and Taiwan, by handing Taipei to Beijing some control of Taiwan. Billionaire Elon Musk Days after touting a possible deal to end the war between Russia and Ukraine, billionaire Elon Musk saw the possibility of ending tensions between China and Taiwan … Read more

Austria’s chancellor with Putin: Nehammer on a “risk mission” in Russia

Blu oplelleleklpekep Pollekvull tenlel: „Znlel’p ulv, pekep’p ulv. Pnpplekleu ent Bltuta uelpekvlupeup htelu. Bp lpl pep elple Iletteu eluep enluoolpekeu Pleelpeketp Oll Bnllu pell Pealuu pep Glleaep. Qplellelek kel elue teuae klplullpeke Peeleknua enl Vhlelue nup lu pel leuaeleu Uelaeuaeukell elue plpvelteu pekuQknupellla vllheupe Zoke enO GleOt. Ble vnlpe Oll Bnppteupp Pualltt ent ple Vhlelue … Read more