The Massive Caller firm; a successful pollster

MEXICO CITY.— The empresa Massive Caller yesterday, Wednesday, he released the most recent update of his poll for the presidency of the republic, which he leads for the first time Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz, the candidate of the “Strength and Heart for Mexico” coalition (PAN-PRI-PRD). Last Thursday, April 25, the same polling house announced that the … Read more

They present a letter to the candidates in favor of education in Mexico

Miscellaneous national groups of teachers and parents in Mexicopresented this morning in virtual press conferencethe “Letter to Candidates in Favor of Education”a document addressed to candidates for various popularly elected positions, to assume commitments in favor of education in the country in the face of the serious problems it is facing in Mexico such as … Read more

Claudia Sheinbaum asks the INE to stop the dirty war against Morenistas

COMITAN, Chiapas.- The presidential candidate of the coalition Let’s Keep Making History, Claudia Sheinbaum said that he National Electoral Institute (INE) or the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch (TEPJF) must stop the war dirty that the opposition is carrying out against the Morenoist candidates for governor. “Yes, we must ask the INE to review … Read more

More than 227,000 Mexicans will be able to vote in 23 centers in the US, Canada, Madrid and Paris

MEXICO CITY.- This Monday, during the usual morning press conference of the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obradorthe secretary of External relationships, Alicia Bárcena Ibarra. In her speech, the Mexican Foreign Minister reported that 227,112 Mexicans living abroad will be able to vote in the June 2 elections in 23 centers installed in the … Read more

Ricador Sheffield asks AMLO for the FGR to take up the case of Gisela Gaytán

LEÓN, Guanajuato.- Ricardo Sheffield Padilla asked the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obradorthat General Prosecutor of the Republic (FGR) attracts the investigation of the murder of the candidate Gisela Gaytan. Alleged montage on the murder of Gisela Gaytán After the governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo will reveal that the internal conflict in Morena for … Read more

Morena is left without a candidate for the mayor of Colima

COLIMA, Colima.- The Coalition Let’s Continue Making History in Colima was left without a candidate to compete for the state capital after this Saturday night, minutes before the formal start of the campaigns, the Municipal Council of Colima did not approve the application of Viridiana Valencia Vargas for not having officially proven that he has … Read more

Xóchitl Gálvez promises in Puebla to end the “huachicoleo”

PUEBLA, Puebla.- It is the first place in this crime nationwide. “With a good strategy, with resources to support the next governor, we are going to put an end to ‘huachicol’ (fuel theft), Puebla occupies first place in the country in this crime and enough is enough,” said Gálvez in the city. from Puebla. Xóchitl … Read more

Claudia Sheinbaum begins her presidential campaign and calls for the transformation to continue

The Morenoist candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo She began her electoral campaign, in the Zócalo of Mexico City, to seek to become the first president in the history of the country. The sun rose over the Plaza de la Constitución, dyeing the flag of the political parties of the coalition Let’s Keep Making History (Morena, PT … Read more