Slim and Larrea, as rich as the poorest half of Latin Americans

In Mexico, there is an old man who owns telephone companies, tobacco companies, mining companies, financial companies, hotels, paper mills, entire neighborhoods, a good chunk of the country. He owns a museum, is 82 years old, has some gold teeth, 300,000 people work for him, and he has a net worth of over $100 billion. … Read more

Economic inequality in Greece decreased by 2.4% since 2015 – 2024-04-04 11:20:17

Economic inequality in Greece decreased by 2.4% since 2015 (34.2% in 2015), according to ELSTAT’s 2023 household income and living conditions survey. At the same time, according to her research ELSTATthe Gini coefficient was estimated in 2023 at 31.8%, recording an increase of 0.4 percentage points compared to 2022. The above percentage is interpreted as … Read more