These are the advantages and risks of multivitamin preparations – healing practice

Pros and cons of taking multivitamin supplements Many people use so-called Multivitaminpräparateto offset the effects of an unhealthy diet. The internist Dr. Raul Seballos and the nutritionist Anna Taylor from the Cleveland Clinic (USA) explain the benefits of multivitamins and which people should avoid taking them. Multivitamins for malnutrition or nutrient deficiencies When people under … Read more

Dietary supplements – this is how the approval works | – television

Are supplements healthy or can they even cause harm? NDR reporter Rieke Sprotte goes in search of clues. In a simple experiment, she finds out that anyone and everyone can bring such capsules, tablets and the like onto the market. Even more worrying: There are no prescribed maximum amounts for ingredients. Dietary supplements are only … Read more

These vitamins and foods ensure healthy hair – healing practice

Vitamins and nutritional supplements for healthy hair Vitamins can at hair growth help and, conversely, a Vitamin deficiency hair loss cause. Also dietary supplements and Foodthe certain nutrient such as iron, biotin or omega-3 fatty acids can be used for healthy hair worries. A balanced diet is the first key to healthy hair. However, you … Read more

Vitamin D supplements seem to relieve symptoms of depression – healing practice

Vitamin D has potential to treat depression The taking of vitamin D supplements is, according to a recent and comprehensive meta-analysis with the Reduction of depression symptoms tied together. The results suggest that Vitamin D potential to treat depression hat. researchers of University of Eastern Finland come to the conclusion in the context of a … Read more

“Overdose” can be dangerous – Heilpraxis

Dietary supplements: Hypervitaminosis D is on the rise Many people take Vitamin D preparations to prevent vitamin D deficiency. But such dietary supplements can become dangerous. Experts warn of aoverdose“ such means. “Overdosing” on vitamin D supplements is both possible and harmful, medics warn in BMJ Case Reports magazine after treating a man hospitalized for … Read more

Vitamin D does not protect against Covid-19

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