The Importance of Vitamin D for Bone Health: Sources, Deficiency Symptoms, and Supplements

2023-06-13 01:14:05 Vitamins are essential for us. One of them: The one discovered more than 100 years ago Vitamin D – the sunshine vitamin. These are so-called calciferols, which are a group of fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin D ensures bone metabolism and also plays an important role in other processes in the body. According to the … Read more

“Electrolytes 101: Understanding Their Importance and How to Replenish Them”

2023-05-30 17:03:00 What are Electrolytes? Electrolytes are chemical compounds that are dissolved in water or other solvents and are electrically conductive. They consist of positively or negatively charged ions that can move freely in the solvent. The most important electrolytes in the human body include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride and phosphate. These ions are … Read more

Zinc shortens colds and improves blood sugar and cholesterol – healing practice

Zinc: Health Benefits and Foods High in Zinc Especially during the cold season, we hear again and again how important it is Zink can be. In fact, consuming this nutrient can help a flu-like infection To shorten. But the mineral has more health benefits. Among other things, it can blood sugar and the cholesterol to … Read more

Krill Oil Supplements May Promote Healthy Aging – Medical Practice

Krill oil appears to protect the brain from age-related diseases With krill is largely made from Antarctic mini-crustaceans (krill). Similar to fish, krill is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains krill oil Cholinean elementary cell building block, as well as the powerful antioxidant Astaxanthin. In a recent study, a research team from Norway … Read more

When should this start? – healing practice

Healthy bones with calcium supplements When people are already in early adulthood Dietary supplements with calcium take, this improves the Bone health and stability significantly, which could protect against osteoporosis and broken bones later in life. In a new systematic review and meta-analysis by professionals at the Wenzhou Medical University attempted to identify evidence of … Read more

Why the vitamin D levels are improving in this country – healing practice

Vitamin D deficiency decreases after extreme summers The one that ended Sommer was, like those of the last few years, again very sunny. This can also have health implications. Because, as a study now shows, there are summers with many sunshine hours fewer Vitamin D Deficiency. The human body produces most of the required vitamin … Read more

Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D reduce the risk of pseudo-croup in babies – Heilpraxis

Fish oil and vitamin D for pregnant women: protection against pseudo-croup Babies and children under the age of three are less likely to develop it Pseudokruppif their mothers during pregnancy dietary supplements With fish oil and Vitamin D take in. That’s according to a new study presented at the European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress … Read more