Táchira | Ceballos assures that he respects the place of the candidates who didn’t signal the settlement within the CNE

Zulma López/DLA.- The presidential candidate, Daniel Ceballosmaintained from the state of Táchira that he respects the place of the consultant of the MUD, Edmundo González and the candidate of the Centrados celebration Enrique Márquez, of not having attended the Nationwide Electoral Council to signal the settlement of recognition of the results of the elections of … Read more

Daniel Ceballos broadcasts what he’ll do with the IGTF if he wins the presidential elections

The presidential candidate for the Arepa occasion, Daniel Ceballosshared his concepts and initiatives with 2001 in our collection “They Prometen”. It’s the tribune of the aspirants to the Presidency of the Republic within the July 28 elections. Previously days of labor, Ceballos He perceived that “there’s a nation that desires change and there’s a must … Read more

Ceballos proposes fund for journey of Venezuelan migrants

Presidential candidate Daniel Ceballos proposed making a fund to finance journeys to the nation for Venezuelan immigrants who want to vote within the elections on July 28 and who can not achieve this overseas. By means of It’s “a registry to channel the funds we obtain from help and solidarity from different Venezuelans in the … Read more