AK Savings Interest Test: Something is finally happening!

2023-09-07 05:26:21 Vienna (OTS) – The key interest rate hikes by the ECB have now also reached savers, albeit with some delay and not to the same extent: “But something is happening in the interest rate landscape,” notes Gabriele Zgubic, head of consumer policy at AK Vienna. She also points out that the AK bank … Read more

AK supports families with a childcare bonus and demands free childcare from the age of two

2023-09-04 06:45:09 Linz – Child care and education is still not free in Upper Austria. The negative consequences are many and varied: the family accounts are additionally burdened and women often cannot decide for themselves how many hours they work. AK President Andreas Stangl calls for the immediate abolition of afternoon fees in kindergarten and … Read more

FPÖ – Belakowitsch/Kassegger: “Confirm millions of additional income for AK and WKO: compulsory membership must go!” | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-08-15 13:01:14 Both chambers are “profiteers from inflation” at the expense of their forced contributors, who suffer from inflation and fear for their existence Vienna (OTS) – “It cannot be that more and more people slide into poverty, companies fear for their existence and the chambers, as ‘beneficiaries’ of record inflation, are literally swimming in … Read more

Around 2,100 people from the Waldviertel at the AK/ÖGB family festival in Schrems

2023-08-14 14:01:07 Successful series of events organized by AK Niederösterreich and ÖGB St. Polten (OTS) – In bright sunshine, AK and ÖGB Niederösterreich welcomed around 2,100 visitors to the family festival in the Waldviertel in Schrems on Saturday, August 12th. A diverse leisure and event program guarantees an eventful day for the whole family. “We … Read more

AK and ÖGB: Relief for lower incomes and families with a third!

2023-08-12 08:00:46 Make commuter flat rates fairer, flat rate costs the same since 1988 Vienna (OTS) – AK and ÖGB are demanding that the government use the third of the cold progression that is not automatically compensated to relieve families and lower incomes, as well as to increase the mileage allowance, a fair commuter allowance … Read more

Dismissed on sick leave: AK Vöcklabruck earns more than 16,000 euros for a father of three

2023-08-03 06:02:13 The success of the Chamber of Labor for the locksmith is proof that it is worth seeking legal advice and advice from the nearest AK district office AK President Andreas Stangl Linz – Shortly before his 25th service anniversary, the world collapsed for a 51-year-old locksmith from the district of Vöcklabruck. His employer … Read more

Equal Pension Day in Lower Austria: Significantly fewer pensions for women and much delayed inflation adjustment

2023-07-28 06:21:41 Poverty in old age threatens to increase further St. Polten (OTS) – On average in Austria, women receive 40.5 percent less pension than men, in Lower Austria it is even more than 41 percent. This is the result of the calculation for this year’s Equal Pension Day, which falls on August 3rd in … Read more

The Chamber of Labor fought for almost 69,000 euros in commissions for field staff

2023-07-16 10:00:16 Linz (OTS) – Terminated on sick leave and then withheld commissions for his sales activities – that happened to an employee from the Vöcklabruck district. With the help of the AK, the man received almost 69,000 euros after two stressful court proceedings that lasted a good ten months. “This great success of our … Read more