Inaugural flight of Liz aviation to Bobo-dioulasso

2023-04-28 09:14:02 The airline Liz aviation launched its activities this Thursday, April 27, 2023 in Ouagadougou. The event resulted in an inaugural flight to Bobo Dioulasso. The new airline also plans to serve Togo. Liz Aviation’s first flight to Bobo-Dioulasso took effect on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Going to Ouaga-Bobo-Ouaga in less than an hour … Read more

The 2022 Annual Performance Report under review

2023-04-29 09:08:23 The first ordinary session of the National Technical Committee for the National Development Policy 2021-2025 was held this Friday, April 28, 2023 in Ouagadougou with the objective of assessing the Plan’s 2022 annual performance report. The National Development Policy is operationalized through the Transition Action Plan, adjusted on January 25 as an Action … Read more

Bonkoungou Distribution invests in agricultural mechanization in Togo

2023-04-22 08:41:56 In the dynamics of the implementation of his policy of modernization of agriculture, the Togolese President, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé, proceeded, on Thursday, April 20, 2023, to the launch of the works of the Regional Center for Agricultural Mechanization (CRMA) of Kara . Executed in the form of a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) concluded with … Read more

Here in Faso | Discovering “La Rose de Canaan” in Garghin!

2023-04-24 09:29:01 Faso holds firm and remains standing despite adversity! Its capital, Ouagadougou and its surroundings are changing day after day. And despite the difficult security situation, the sons and daughters of Burkina Faso are showing resilience and investing in the development of the country. Although the situation is not rosy, they remain determined and … Read more

The Customs Research and Intervention Brigade seizes a million dollars in counterfeit notes

2023-04-11 08:22:34 The Customs Research and Intervention Brigade supported by the Baskuy Police carried out on March 19, 2023 in Ouagadougou, a seizure of counterfeit banknotes worth more than 1,000,000 dollars, 56 counterfeit gold bars, air force stripes, 02 Customs berets, communication devices and fake Customs stamps. The intelligence network set up by the Research … Read more

ARCEP now wants to regulate the prices of electronic communications

2023-04-15 08:30:34 The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts (ARCEP) held a press briefing this Friday, April 14, 2023 at its headquarters in Ouagadougou after meeting with mobile telephone operators. The objective was to reassure the public that ARCEP’s missions are in line with the demands expressed by consumers in relation to the quality … Read more

Moov Africa Burkina and CORIS Bank International seal a partnership for better distribution of Moov Money

Coris Bank International and Moov Africa signed a partnership agreement for the distribution of Moov Money on Wednesday April 12, 2023. The objective of this partnership is to strengthen the distribution network of Moov Money and at the same time contribute to financial inclusion in Burkina Faso. In order to strengthen the distribution network, Moov … Read more