Maccabi Targets Tel Aviv advanced to the men’s volleyball final

ONE | system 15/03/2024 15:21 Maccabi Targets Tel Aviv (Lilach Weiss Volleyball Association) Maccabi Targets Tel Aviv advanced to the men’s volleyball final today (Friday) after a 0:3 victory over Hapoel Rehovot. The Tel Avivians dominated throughout the entire set of the game and their key players demonstrated good ability which allowed the Galili coach … Read more

Ester Roth Shahmarov successfully underwent a kidney transplant

Esi Maman | 09/02/2024 21:00 Esther Roth Shakhamorov (Noam Moreno) Good news for one of Israel’s greatest athletes. The former athlete, Ester Roth Shahmarov, successfully underwent a kidney transplant at Beilinson Hospital and was discharged home. 71-year-old Ruth Shahmarov, who previously underwent a similar kidney transplant procedure due to a hereditary failure, was hospitalized in … Read more

6,000 participated in the Dead Sea Marathon

ONE | system 02/02/2024 13:56 Dead Sea Land Race (Oren Alon) Minister of Tourism Haim Katz and head of the Tamar Dead Sea Regional Council Nir Wenger launched the 5th Dead Sea Eretz Marathon this morning. There were 5 legs in the marathon in which about 6,000 participants participated, of which about 2,500 ran the … Read more