Tadeáš Růžička tried to influence the witnesses. The public prosecutor requests to be taken into custody

Tadeáš Růžička would like to avoid prison, which is why he started pulling the lifeline. Unfortunately for him, the police quickly figured out his forbidden moves.

Tadeáš is a professional fighter whose hands have been reused outside the cage. Now it was caught by a man at the swimming pool, which “Mawar” was not even alone, but with two other friends.

Since Tadeáš is on probation, he must have realized after the attack that the second time the court will not be so lenient with him and that as soon as his case is dealt with in September, it will send him behind bars.

Our editorial office was informed by two unrelated sources that Růžička was trying to influence the witnesses in an attempt to save his neck, which was discovered, and so the prosecutor immediately sent a proposal to the court to have the fighter taken into custody. We assume that this proposal will meet with approval and Tadeáš will actually go behind bars in the very near future.

Fired from the organization and the gym

Tadeáš Růžička was originally a member of the RedFace organization, where he was supposed to have a rematch with Josef “Tyson” Škop next weekend (August 3). During the weekend, the management of the organization decided that they could not keep a person who was convicted of repeated assault in their ranks, and therefore canceled his game during Monday morning.

Tadeáš’s coach Ondřej Hutník also had the weekend to think, who met with the team on Monday, with whom he came to the same conclusion. He made a statement through his social media that he has been trying to support Mawara for a long time, but now it has reached the point where he can’t stand by him, and he has shown him the door from Spejbl Gym.

Clash of the Stars wanted to go against the grain

What is interesting, however, and probably a good thing that it didn’t turn out in the end, is that after RedFace dismissed Tadeáš Růžička from their services, he was immediately contacted by the organization Clash of the Stars, who offered him to organize his rematch with Josef Škop under their wings.

Růžička and Škop met on Monday afternoon at the Duplex club in Prague, where they were supposed to sign the contract for the match. But in the evening, Mawar mysteriously evaporated.

We were practically only minutes away from Růžička being revealed as the (old) new reinforcement of Clash of the Stars, which would really outrage a lot of people. However, we do not know whether Clash eventually succumbed to public pressure and canceled the match at the last minute, or whether he learned that a proposal was made to have Růžička taken into custody, and thus he would not have time to wrestle on September 7th.



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