Táchira Residents Urge Swift Completion of Dialysis Unit in Junín for Kidney Patients

FOR.- The sacrifice that kidney patients must make at least three times a week to travel from the Junín municipality to the city of San Cristóbal forces them to demand that the dialysis unit that would be built in the town of Rubio be completed.whose headquarters was acquired in April 2023.

Pedro Mora has to drive his wife to the capital of Táchira on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to undergo dialysis treatment, but the situation has become an ordeal due to the poor condition of the road between Rubio and San Cristóbal.

“The roads are in very bad condition, small cars can hardly get through and the transport fare is very expensive because there is no money for it,” said Mr. Mora.

He assured that The monthly cost of transporting his wife is 800 thousand Colombian pesos, or almost 200 dollars. His wife does not walk so she cannot be transported by public transport and they must pay for a private vehicle because she must be lying down all the time.

For Pedro Mora the situation is very difficult because in addition to having to find the money to transport his wife, there are days when they arrive in San Cristóbal and they have wanted to suspend her treatment, but after insisting and demanding that they treat her, they manage to dialyze her.

There are 12 to 15 patients who travel from Rubio to San Cristóbal every week, which is why Mr. Mora believes it is extremely urgent to complete the project for the dialysis unit planned for the Junín municipality.

Regarding the dialysis unit in Rubio, he said that they started to build it and suddenly stopped it, so he does not know the reasons why they did not continue moving forward.

He said that the unit would be operating in an area known as Los Palones. He recalled that the relatives of kidney patients were called and invited to the place where the center would be built to inform them of what they had available for its execution, but later they were surprisingly told that they had not allowed the development of the project on the site.

“They need to solve the dialysis problem in Rubio, it is very urgent,” said Pedro Mora.

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2024-09-06 11:42:44
Kidney⁢ Patients ⁤in Junín Municipality Suffer⁢ Due to Lack of⁤ Dialysis Unit

Living with⁣ kidney disease is a challenging ⁣reality for many individuals and families. However, for those‍ residing in the Junín municipality of‍ Venezuela, the struggle takes on a whole new level of ‍complexity. Patients are forced to travel to the city of San Cristóbal three times a⁤ week for dialysis treatment, a journey that ‍has become an ordeal due to the poor condition ⁤of the⁢ roads⁤ and the lack of a local dialysis unit.

The ⁣Road to Dialysis Treatment

Pedro Mora, a concerned husband, is one ⁤of⁢ many individuals who must drive his wife to the capital of‍ Táchira on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for dialysis treatment. ⁤The road conditions between Rubio and San Cristóbal are treacherous, making⁢ it difficult ⁤for small cars⁢ to‌ navigate and resulting ⁢in exorbitant transportation costs.

“The roads are in very bad condition, small cars can hardly ⁤get through, and the transport fare is very expensive because there is no money for⁢ it,” said Mr. Mora.

The Financial Burden

The monthly cost of transporting his wife to San Cristóbal‍ amounts to ‌800,000 ​Colombian pesos, approximately $200. His wife⁤ requires ⁢private transportation due to her inability to ⁤walk, which adds to⁣ the financial strain. This amount ‌is a significant burden⁤ for many families, especially considering the additional⁣ expenses associated⁢ with medical treatment.

The Human⁢ Toll

The lack of a local dialysis⁢ unit has a profound⁢ impact on the well-being of patients ⁢and their families. Mr.⁢ Mora‍ recounted instances where they arrived at the hospital ⁢in San Cristóbal only⁤ to be told that treatment would⁤ be suspended. After insisting and demanding that his wife receive treatment, they managed to secure the​ necessary care.

The Need for a Local Dialysis Unit

There are ⁤approximately 12 to‌ 15 patients who travel from Rubio to ⁤San Cristóbal every week, highlighting⁢ the urgency⁣ of completing the planned dialysis unit in ⁢the Junín municipality. ⁢Mr. Mora believes that it is crucial to ‍complete the project, which was initiated in April 2023​ but has since stalled.

“We started⁣ building⁣ it and suddenly stopped, ‌so ⁣I don’t know‌ the ⁢reasons why they didn’t continue moving forward,” he said.

A Call ​to Action

The plight of kidney patients in⁢ Junín ‌municipality serves as a stark reminder ⁢of the need for accessible healthcare infrastructure. The Venezuelan government and healthcare authorities must prioritize the ⁢completion of the dialysis⁣ unit in Rubio, alleviating‌ the suffering ⁢of patients​ and⁤ their‌ families.

As the⁤ situation ⁣stands, kidney patients ​in Junín municipality are forced⁣ to make an unacceptable sacrifice, sacrificing time, money, and quality of life for medical treatment. It is imperative‌ that we raise ‌awareness⁣ about this ⁤critical issue and advocate for the swift⁢ completion of the dialysis‍ unit, ensuring that patients‍ receive the ⁤care they deserve in⁤ the ⁤comfort of ⁤their own community.

SEO Keywords: kidney disease, dialysis treatment, Junín municipality, Venezuela, ​healthcare infrastructure, accessible healthcare, ⁤medical treatment, San Cristóbal, Rubio.



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