Táchira | Due to unfinished work in Táriba, residents live among mosquitoes, diseases and bad smells

Luzfrandy Contreras / FOR

Residents of Calle 10 between Carrera 6 and Carrera 7 in Táriba are urgently requesting the intervention of the Mayor’s Office to resolve a serious sewage problem that has affected the community for four months.

Andreina Peñaloza, one of the affected residents, explained that although an initial complaint was made and a solution was opened to solve the problem, the work remained unfinished. “They came, dug the hole and left it like that. They brought material to fix it, but days before the elections they took everything.”he denounced.

This has generated serious health problems in the community, approximately 3 children and 2 adults have become ill with dengue. In addition, bad smells are taking over, and even excrement can be seen in the hole. “We already have a plague of rats and cockroaches. We want a solution now, because we are tired of this problem,” he added.

They said that they have gone to Hidrosuroeste and the Mayor’s Office on several occasions, but both institutions say they have no jurisdiction and one blames the other. “We have already submitted letters and several neighbors are affected. On the corner of the pharmacy, the floor is rising,” said Peñaloza.

This also affects commercial and educational activities in the area. “The truck air conditioning workshop cannot operate properly and the tasks directed to children have decreased due to this problem,” he said.

They hope that both the mayor of the Cárdenas municipality and the water company can respond to the needs of these residents.


#Táchira #Due #unfinished #work #Táriba #residents #live #among #mosquitoes #diseases #bad #smells
2024-08-11 06:46:49



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