SYRIZA’s shipping department head Andreas Michaelidis raises the question of the safety of coastal shipping

SYRIZA’s Deputy Head of Island Policy, Andreas Michailidis, raises the issue of the safety of coastal shipping in the port of Chios, due to complaints from the port master.

The Member of Parliament of Chios has submitted a topical question to the Minister of Shipping and Island Policy, Yiannis Plakiotakis, on the subject, while requesting the intervention of the public prosecutor on the matter.

The central port master of Chios last week in his radio interview on “Alithia” radio had stated among other things: “We cannot safely tell people “enter this port”. That’s why we have to go to Mesta. We have to make decisions and not following a holiday. It must be done immediately! The port is calling. There are no bumpers either, following a year when “Samos” hit. The ramp is built, but the bumpers are missing. When a ship comes and can’t tie up, it will end up on the dock once more.”



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