SYRIZA: Wild trolling of Polakis to Kasselakis 2024-09-23 22:34:19

This time “fire” was lit, I’m here Stefanou Kasselakis which is essentially an announcement of his candidacy in the internal party elections. What was not written on social media. from looking like a poster of Vassilis Karras to a song from artificial intelligence uploaded, in a party without limits.

Check out some of the posts:

SYRIZA: Wild trolling of Polakis to Kasselakis – “I’m here too – Another one?”!

Pavlos Polakis trolled the announcement that is a pre-announcement of the candidacy of Stefanos Kasselakis for the leadership of SYRIZA, wondering “if there will be any serious conversation”.

Among other things, he said that everyone must guarantee the unifying course of the party and stop the divisive positions.

Pavlos Polakis’ post in detail:



1) I have applied.


2) Are we going to have a serious conversation??

– Will we guarantee the unity path by stopping the divisive positions here and there?

– We will discuss a clear programmatic reason in conflict with the entanglement, for a redistribution of surplus labor, with clear red lines in foreign policy, with public control of a bank, PPC and a refinery, with protections for borrowers and first homes, with a strong social state state?

– We will make it clear that we do not want a small and marginal SYRIZA or a useful supplement to controlled center-left solutions BUT a SYRIZA body of the progressive faction with strong social alliances that will be the alternative GOVERNANCE SOLUTION, in the Mitsotakis system that is closing its cycle???

SYRIZA: Stefanos Kasselakis announced his candidacy – “Our SYRIZA – I’m here”

Stefanos Kasselakis: With a photo of him, but also the slogan “Our SYRIZA – I’m here”, the ousted president of SYRIZA reappeared on social media, in a pre-announcement of the announcement of his candidacy for the leadership of the party.

The final schedule of the electoral procedures

The timetable for internal party processes to elect a new leadership has already been set and includes critical dates for the next steps. According to the program:

October 5: A new meeting of the Central Committee of SYRIZA will be held.
October 6: The pre-congress dialogue begins in the party organizations.
October 11: Closing date for the registration of members who will participate in the Congress elections.
October 19-20: The elections of the Conferences will be held, with the ratio being formed based on the rule of 1/40 of the registered members, as was also the case at the February Congress.
October 24: It is the deadline for the submission of nominations for the Presidency of the party.
November 1-3: The Extraordinary Congress of the SYRIZA PS will be held, during which the candidacies for the leadership will be officially announced.
November 24: The first round of elections for the election of the President and the new Central Committee will be held.
December 1st: If necessary, the second round of elections will be held to elect the new President of SYRIZA.

SYRIZA: Two battles before the new split

Until the Congress that will take place on November 1-3, Syrians will continue to be “slaughtered”. At the Congress they will necessarily settle their scores before the new presidential election on November 24 and December 1, with a stronger possibility that the winner will receive a badly wounded party and have to manage a new split.

The “87” of the “invisible” Tsipras are celebrating because, in terms of the road map, it was decided to adhere to the provisions of the Political Secretariat’s proposal for a November 1-3 Congress and a November 24 presidential election, even if a second round is needed on December 1.

Both “Kasselistas” and Polakis, who asked for an acceleration of about a month and disagreed on the election of new congressmen, which will finally take place on October 19 and 20, lost. But as they say, they lost a battle and not the war.

At the last moment, Tsipras’s “87” managed to add another condition for submitting a candidacy for the leadership, since next to the collection of 30 unique signatures, they added the submission of “pothen esches”. With a proposal Christos Spirtzis which passed 87-84.

The “Kasselistas” claim that it has not been clarified who will check the “whereabouts” and whether it is sufficient to make them public or to submit them to the competent public authorities, and they consider that this is a “photographic” decision aimed at Stefanos Kasselakis, for whom they still support that he is not obliged to submit “where are you from”.

The new spokesperson, Pausanias Papageorgiouclaimed that the submission of “where you are from” has not been submitted as a condition of candidacy, but it was voted to accompany the filing of the nomination with the “where you are from”. “If there isn’t, we’ll see then,” he said. “Where are you from” will be an accompanying document. It will not be checked. Nominations are submitted prior to the Conference, so details will be included with the nomination at the Conference. All the documents that will accompany the nomination will be ratified by the Congress”, he concluded, confusing things even more.

Updates on the “road map” and the conditions for the submission of nominations will emerge at the next meeting of the Central Committee on October 5, where the recommendation of the Central Organizing Committee of the Conference on the submission of nominations will be voted or not voted on.

However, the “Kasselistas” dispute that the CEEC and then the Central Committee are the ones who decide on the nominations and argue that the Congress is responsible for everything and that is where the final decisions will be made.

Congress, which will not have a statutory nature, as proposed by Nikos Pappas and this is something that strengthened the “Kasselakis”, who informally denounced that those who wanted the Congress to have a statutory character, did so in order to introduce new terms and conditions to make the Kasselakis candidacy more difficult. The “Kasselistas” also consider that the proposal to elect a new Central Committee not immediately after the presidential election that they and Polakis have proposed, but in January, was passed in order to make the new president a hostage of the party system controlled by Alexis Tsipras.

According to information, the proposal of the Political Secretariat passed with 112 votes, while the Kasselakis – Tzakris proposal gathered 62. The Polakis proposal got 9 votes, while there were also two blanks.

At the same time, according to information, his proposal was upvoted Thanasis Theocharopoulos to be included in the decision of the K.E. the following addition: “In this context, behaviors that insult the personality of executives and members of the party and in fact for collective decisions of the bodies, such as references to “hood wearers”, “coup makers”, “detours”, as well as any other form of targeting, are reprehensible and have nothing to do with the Left.”

The lines of the camps and the war of Arta

The “87” of Tsipras are celebrating because they managed to pass all their lines at the Central Committee meeting and for the timetable up to the presidential election and for the extraordinary Congress and for the aftermath of the presidential election. At the same time, the “Kasselistas” are of the opinion that it is so obvious to the ordinary SYRIZA voter that the party system is trying to put up obstacles and ultimately exclude the candidacy of Stefanos Kasselakis, that if the ousted president manages to overcome the obstacles and if his candidacy is ratified, the people will reward him and in the elections he will triumph.

“The attempt to manipulate the election of the president, but also of the new bodies, continued at today’s meeting of the Council of Ministers. by some. The Congress, which is the highest body, will take the final decisions on everything and the Greek society is already seeing the desperate attempt of some to hold on to their chairs and hold hostage the president who will be elected by the society again against the will of the bureaucracy “, was the indicative statement of Nina Kasimati, who belongs to the “Kasselaki” camp.

“A very painful procedure of the Central Committee was completed a while ago, which resulted in some decisions by a majority. The Central Committee did not accept the proposal I made to speed up the procedures and the Nominating Conference and election dates, which I continue to believe would provide a more immediate solution to the crisis we now face. From there the majority decided, I personally will organize and plow the whole country in order to bring the message of a programmatic speech for the reconstruction of SYRIZA, which must really honor its role as the official opposition. It is a difficult path, but we will walk it and emerge victorious”, said Pavlos Polakis for his part.

On the Saturday of the Central Committee, when photos from the meeting were being uploaded on social media and the developments from the votes, spikes, fights, etc. were being conveyed, the ousted president of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kaselakis, was uploading photos from Arta, where he was on tour.

The relevant choice was not left unaddressed by Olga Gerovasili, who comes from Arta and wrote in X: “Insecurity in politics is a sign of weakness. Stefanos Kasselakis could visit Arta on another day and not during the meeting of the Central Committee of the party he wants to lead again. Besides, in Arta we are hospitable people.”

Surprise from Gerovasilis: I will not be a candidate for the president of SYRIZA – Let’s do everything to prevent Kasselakis from coming out again

Olga Gerovasili, speaking on Monday morning (23/09), on ANT1 and the show “Good Morning Greece”, made it clear that she will not be a candidate for president of SYRIZA. Olga Gerovasili made it clear that she will not participate in the election race, she pointed out that “the people of SYRIZA showed great tolerance to Stefanos Kasselakis. We have to do everything so that he doesn’t win again, I will rally for that purpose.”

“The candidates can be more than one, but my understanding is that there should be one. I cannot answer for Mr. Famellos, and I am waiting for him to answer. Many discussions have taken place and the best solution must be found. Today we are here to move forward, and we have to see the majors.”

As he pointed out, everything will become clear next week. “All possibilities are open. Only one has been closed, that today the majority of the members of SYRIZA and the Central Committee, which is directly elected by the grassroots, and its term has not expired as it is said, is the body that challenged and put a “stop” on the presidency of Stefanos Kasselakis”.

#SYRIZA #Wild #trolling #Polakis #Kasselakis



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