SYRIZA Triumphs with Censure Motion Victory

163 members of the SYRIZA Central Committee voted in favor of the motion of censure against Stefanos Kasselakis and 120 against and 3 abstentions. A total of 286 members of the Central Committee of SYRIZA voted, 210 of them for life, based on information from SYRIZA.

In a short time it is expected to be clarified how SYRIZA will move from here on and whether we will have an immediate election of a new president from the grassroots or the convening of an extraordinary Congress. At the same time, the first reaction of Stefanos Kasselakis is expected.

The SYRIZA statute for the motion of censure states: “The president of SYRIZA-PS publicly represents the party and is the president of the Parliamentary Group, if he is a member of parliament. In case the president of the party is not an MP, the Parliamentary Group elects its president. This decision of K.O. it needs the ratification of the Central Committee. The president operates within the framework of the decisions of the Central Committee. In the event of a vote of no confidence in the Central Committee by 50% +1 of its members in the president, an extraordinary congress is convened. The convening of the extraordinary conference takes place within 3 months at the most from the moment the relevant request is made”.

How was the voting done?

They voted in the hall 210 members, voted by telephone 76whereas nine members did not come on the phone and therefore did not participate in the process. Voting started on 10:00 in the morning and concluded at 13:00 at noon. After the end of the procedure for those present, those members of the Central Committee who were excused absent (for example, the members of the trade unions that are close to SYRIZA and are in Thessaloniki for the TIF) voted by phone.

Three polling stations were set up for voting. One for the members with surnames from A to K, the second for those with surnames from L to O and the third for those with surnames from P to Z. It is noted that the executives who disagree with the president of SYRIZA Stefanos Kasselakis had a meeting yesterday victory on the points, as their proposal that the vote be secret and that polls be set up passed.

The result was that out of 212, 122 voted to set up ballot boxes, 86 not to set up, while there were also 4 blanks. It is recalled that late on Saturday night and while it had not yet been decided when the vote would be held, Stefanos Kasselakis decided to leave the room where the Central Committee of SYRIZA had been meeting since the morning.

Everything that happened at yesterday’s explosive meeting of the KE

In the vote that took place on Sunday night to decide how to vote, 122 voted in favor of the ballot box, 90 in favor of open voting and 212 declared themselves present. In fact, the irritation of Stefanos Kasselakis was intense and he left the room saying: “When they decide how to vote, to vote, I will return.”

Although the “87” and Pavlos Polakis (who submitted a candidacy for the leadership of the party) insisted that the proceedings continue yesterday, the decision of the presidium was the final one and thus, today was the new episode in the “serial” of internal party consultations and tensions.

SYRIZA: The motion of censure of the 87

The motion of censure against Stefanos Kasselakis was submitted by the “100” to the Central Committee, with the judgment in SYRIZA to escalate.

“In the last one year especially since Stefanos Kasselakis was elected to the leadership of the party, our party is in a protracted crisis of principles and values! Our party under the absolute responsibility of the president is in a prolonged introversion and shrinking of its electoral influence”, the “87” emphasize in the motion of censure.

“Why the members and friends of SYRIZA-PS cannot wait and demand clear and democratic solutions NOW 100 members of the Central Committee activate the provisions of article 20 par.4 of the Statute and file a motion of no confidence in the president and request immediate appeal to the base ».

Pavlos Polakis from the platform of the Central Committee of SYRIZA raised the issue of leadership, he asked Stefanos Kasselakis to lead the party in elections by himself, he submitted his candidacy for president and said that even if he loses, he will remain in SYRIZA.

“I believed in Stefanos Kasselakis and supported him. I fell out, he does not make for president of SYRIZA. I’m running for president. If the motion of censure does not pass, I will remain in the party and if I lose the elections again I will remain and we do not need another party like Zoi Konstantopoulou’s. Lead the party to elections by yourself,” Pavlos Polakis is reported to have said.

Pavlos Polakis responded to the president of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis, about homophobia and lifestyle, telling journalists after he had stepped down from the stage: “I didn’t put Dora on stage, like you did Tyler.”

Pavlos Polakis did not file a motion of censure not because he wanted to avoid it, since as he said “if necessary, he will do it” but since they filed earlier, he emphasized: “Support her”.

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#SYRIZA #motion #censure #passed



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