SYRIZA: They expelled Kasselakis from the party – Extensive episodes outside the Central Committee hall [βίντεο]

SYRIZA: They expelled Kasselakis from the party – Extensive episodes outside the Central Committee hall [βίντεο]

Finally, with a clear majority, the decision was passed not to be a candidate in the process of electing the leader of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis. 138 members of the KE voted in favor of the proposal, while the members of the Central Committee who support the candidacy of Pavlos Polakis abstained from the vote.

Immediately after the meeting there was great tension outside the hotel with the supporters of Stefanos Kasselakis strongly protesting against the decision of the KE.

For today’s meeting, 151 members of the Central Committee were accredited, which means that there was a quorum. It is noted that the supporters of Stefanos Kasselakis as well as executives who considered the exclusion “divisive” refused to take accreditation cards in order to prevent the quorum and the decision being taken.

Today’s decision means that Stefanos Kasselakis’ name will not be included in the submission of nominations until October 24. The question is whether the Congress that will follow on November 7-8 will be able to decide otherwise and declare Stefanos Kasselakis a candidate as he and his supporters believe.

Famous: The abstention attitude of the members of the Central Committee is anti-party

Sokratis Famellos called the abstention of the members of the Central Committee “anti-party” during his intervention, stressing that “everyone should have been here”.

“Today we experienced an undermining of the Party Organs by members of the Political Secretariat and the Parliamentary Group and the KE. And the undermining was declared on the cameras, denying these executives the role given to them by the party members as members of the Central Committee”, he added, while saying that “the SMS for the counter-gathering and also for the protest outside the Central Committee”.

He also spoke of “serious mistakes” that led to “the shrinking and discrediting of SYRIZA”, among which, he said, “the creation of internal enemies” that “peaked after the Congress”. He also denounced as “substitute” the change of KO president “without a decision of the bodies”, as well as the “discussion about Polakis”, about “the resignation of Othon Iliopoulos”, and “the issue of Athena Linou”.

“All this suggests that the problem was not the persons, the problem was the policies implemented by the previous leadership because they simply wanted another party,” he said characteristically, while referring to the KE which was challenged to go to “censure” when the intention of the members of the Central Committee was to go to the “base”.

“Does anyone here want deletions and banning? Certainly not since the majority of the members said ‘let’s go to the base without any exclusion and without censure'”, he said, underlining that “anyone who attacks the party seeks exclusion”. “Is it the fault of the party and its members when they react to defend the party and not those who work against the party?”, he asked.

Points of intervention by Olga Gerovasilis in the SYRIZA Executive Committee

– The minimum act of dignity is what we are called to vote for today.

– We are at this point after specific behaviors, positions on political issues, but also issues of morals and style, which were raised under the responsibility of the former president.

– We did not do offensive actions, but defensive actions all this time.

– The party showed all these months a lot of tolerance and patience towards the former president.

– For my part, I sounded the alarm as early as February at the conference, but then my opinion was not the majority. Today it is.

– Our movements are a reaction to action. We say a “So far!”

– Who is talking about democracy in SYRIZA – PS? Those who, when they had the majority, did not tolerate any different opinion and created internal enemies and subversives?

– Today is a defining moment to save our party and our history.

Tzakri’s intervention in the KE

Before her speech, Theodora Tzakri handed over to the Party Secretary Rania Svigou an authorization from Stefanos Kasselakis for the filing of his candidacy as well as the 87 handwritten signatures.

For “a new motion of censure” against the “valid” candidacy of Kasselakis, Theodora Tzakri spoke in her intervention at the Central Committee of SYRIZA-PS, arguing at the same time that the body meets “without a quorum”, since they do not accept “receipts on the nominal list”.

“However, what you are doing here today is essentially a new motion of censure, this time against the timely and validly submitted candidacy of Kasselakis”, he noted.

He also emphasized that the so-called “majority” is spreading the word that they will raise the issue of their “removal” from the KO Secretariat, because they “support Kasselakis”. And he wondered if “the smiling Nikos who voted yesterday in the PG to convene today’s KE on the subject of disqualifying the candidacy of a legally elected president” can remain head of the KO.

“However, since the statute provides in the case of censure a required majority of 50+1 of the total number of members, i.e. 148, obviously the questioning of a validly and timely submitted nomination constitutes a censure against the candidacy.

So in order to exclude a candidate who has submitted the prerequisites validly and on time, 148 votes of the members of the KE are required. Not one less vote,” emphasized T. Tzakri.

In closing, he said that “the time has come to move from the bureaucratic perversion to the participatory democracy of the members”. “And from the tactics of the nomenclature, let’s finally move on to the preparation of the strategic hegemony of the unguarded SYRIZA-PS. The faction is too big to become a sad tail of the tangled political system,” he concluded.

Theocharopoulos: He asked for the exclusion of Stefanos Kasselakis

The exclusion of Stefanos Kasselakis was requested by Thanasis Theocharopoulos during his speech to the Central Committee of SYRIZA. Specifically, in his speech, he said: “Our collective bodies received an extrajudicial and a threat with prosecutorial authorities from the former president Stefanos Kasselakis. To say he takes it back but well he did!

At the same time, he has spoken about diversion, hoodlums and entanglement in SYRIZA. And he does not accept the decisions of the collective bodies saying that he is the president despite the censure with which he was deposed.

And I ask if anyone comes today and asks to be a candidate accusing the party of entanglement, diversions, hoodlums, sending extrajudicial charges, threatening the party with prosecutors and then taking it back and saying that it was fine, and signing on as president when he wasn’t, we would accept his nomination. The answer is obviously no.

What also happened today with the supporters of Kasselakis artificially fighting for there not to be a quorum and not writing while they are in the venue is called undermining the democratic functions of the party. Because they do not have a majority they proceeded to these unthinkable actions. It didn’t work for them, they failed in that too.

In the past days we saw sms about demonstrations outside K.E. even Stefanos Kasselakis himself to invite people to gather outside the Conference hall when it will be held. As if K.E. and conferences are battle arenas. I’m sure they remind everyone of something. All these practices have nothing to do with the Left and the democratic space. That’s why the descent must stop here.”

Poulos resigned as a member of the KE

The party’s deputy, Yota Poulos, who is one of the supporters of the ousted president, Stefanos Kasselakis, has resigned as a member of the Central Committee of SYRIZA.

According to information, the SYRIZA member of parliament said that she has other offices from which she will resign, leaving hints about the seats of the Parliament.

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#SYRIZA #expelled #Kasselakis #party #Extensive #episodes #Central #Committee #hall #βίντεο

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