SYRIZA: The government does not have the will to intervene to lower prices

“Let them go to their villages. And not to disturb the tourists’: this answer would be enough, a distillation of the ‘wisdom’ of government and media actors, so that the government representative does not get tired of quoting the (non-existent) ‘achievements’ of ND politicians”, SYRIZA PS responds to Pavlos Marinakis.

“We have established it”, comments SYRIZA in a statement, “the Mitsotakis government does not have the political will to intervene so that the prices of Food – Fuel – Ferries fall to tolerable levels for the citizens’ income”. “No matter how much the Official Opposition insists on submitting substantiated proposals. Even though Greece continues, under Mitsotakis, to go down in all indicators”, he adds. It states in this regard that “in 2023 it was second from the end among the 27 countries of the European Union in terms of the index of GDP per capita expressed in purchasing power units”. And he continues: “In any case, the only thing the government does consistently is the reduction in the taxes of high dividends and the increase in the taxes of the small and small and medium-sized companies that see only ‘locks’ on the horizon (and are unable to imagine even a three days on a Greek island)”. On the other hand, he accuses the government of “refusing to reduce the heavy indirect taxation that has bled households”.

SYRIZA comments that “the government is supposedly cutting back, so that future generations are not burdened with an increase in the public debt”, while “reminding” Mr. Marinakis that “the debt on 31.6.2019 amounted to 356 billion euros and the government of ND has reached 406 billion euros, opening the gap in five years by 50 billion euros” and “at the same time, the non-performing private debt simply moved from the banks to the servicers, and it spawns there, together with the risk of auctions”. He adds that “loans in the hands of servicers increased by 550 million euros in the first quarter of 2024, and now reach 70 billion euros, 1/3 of the country’s GDP.”

Following this, SYRIZA asks the government representative “how reliable it is to talk to us about the debt that will not be burdened by the ‘next generations’ and about a prudent fiscal policy by a party that owes 500 million euros in loans and debts”. Addressing the same, he comments conclusively: “really, you insist on considering that the mud against Stefanos Kasselakis is enough to permanently cover the government’s profiteering bonus?”.

#SYRIZA #government #intervene #prices



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