SYRIZA: Summer review with three protagonists 2024-08-25 13:01:11

The civil guerilla war continued last night at the meeting of the Statute Committee. Everything now in Koumoundourou foretells that the main opposition party will go through a hot autumn, immersed in introversion and twists and turns. The first milestone of the developments is the upcoming meeting of the Central Committee of SYRIZA on September 6 and 7. Until then, the intra-party tug-of-war is estimated to continue with trench battles between the two sides, while the “key” of the developments, from the background, on the way to the meeting of the K.E. and the Congress, will be the decisions and initiatives that Alexis Tsipras wants to take or not, something that both sides know.

After the new rebellion in the Political Secretariat, Stefanos Kasselakis, measuring the costs, benefits and effectiveness of the movement, chooses to build bridges to Pavlos Polakis, whose defection has more personal motives and less ideological than the “87” front.

It’s going to rupture

On the contrary, the battles between the presidential guard and the internal opposition group take on the characteristics of an open and generalized ideological conflict. Stefanos Kasselakis calls “87” not only for a new confrontation, but accuses them of following policies “below the circumstances”, “zero proposals to save the party media”, “utilization of unpaid workers” and calls on them “instead of leaving from meetings, to look within themselves and reflect on where they belong emotionally, politically and morally. To SYRIZA? or to some party that has not yet been made and they are waiting for the signal to leave en masse in the name of an interwoven nebulous “Great Center Left?”‘. At the same time, in his long post he abandons 8 of the “87”, because in P.G. they took a “position against the party president’s entry into the Parliament”, noting that “I have no personal interest in the issue. Because, while I recognize that in every party the entry of its president into the Parliament is of pivotal importance, I do not want to put the ego in front. But I know what I would do if I were the other runners-up.”

Why is he approaching the Cretan MP

Stefanos Kasselakis immediately after the waterloo in P.G. he hastened to announce that he intends to seek a meeting with Pavlos Polakis in the immediate future. The choice of convergence with the Cretan MP is simple. It is considered that the resolution of disputes is very passable. A Kasselakis decision is enough for his return to K.O. of SYRIZA and the “sacrifice” of Athena Linou, (who yesterday declared that she is not resigning as an MP and that she will appeal to the Court against Polakis), whose influence in any case on the base of SYRIZA is negligible compared to that of Pavlos Polakis. Moreover, in the reading made by the presidential guard of the posts and interviews of the Cretan MP, they notice that what dominates are some general reports about the need to adopt another more effective policy, and that these do not have sharp characterizations against Stefanos Kasselakis, while he focuses his disagreement on issues of principles, transparency and ethics… On the other hand, the Cretan MP, for now, may refuse a meeting with Kasselakis but, as Stefanos Kasselakis’ partner Nikos Moraitis very aptly observed in his post, for the epic swings he makes, you should “make it clear what you want, within a year you’ve changed your opinion 10 times…”.

Kasselakis shot at the former president

These two last reports of Stefanos Kasselakis, about his entry into the Parliament and about the signal for a new party, it is clear that they are not only intended for “87” but also for Alexis Tsipras. Because if the former president of SYRIZA wants to, he can, with a sign either to the first runner-up Popi Tsapanidou or to the second runner-up Michalis Kalogirou, dispel every dream and every scenario of Stefanos Kasselakis entering the Parliament. As, even the refusal of Georgeta Lalis not to refuse to be sworn in as a Member of State, if all the others have resigned, it could be “cured” with a new resignation of a Member of State, like the scenario that has been written many times for the resignation of Mr. Apostolakis, in order for Kasselakis to take his place. However, if Tsapanidou and Kalogirou do not resign, this possibility is permanently lost, as the Lali “barrier” is not eliminated.

He wants to create internal enemy “87” says

The “87”, for their part, are retaliating against Kasselakis, directly accusing him of having shot himself at yesterday’s PG meeting. and that it “seeks to create an internal enemy. And he does not find this enemy in the person of Polakis, because the two have common supporters. He puts us on the opposite side, who knows that we have a distance from both of them”, leaving all possibilities open for their attitude in the immediate future. In fact, in addition, a little while later the “87” told him that “we will not follow him in the confusion he is in” and “we leave him to the judgment of the members and friends of SYRIZA – P.S., the entire progressive world of the country and of the Greek people”. Last night the internal party opposition fought a new battle of principles with the presidential ones in the Statute Committee, accusing Stefanos Kasselakis of corrupting SYRIZA, its collective structures and seeking personal control of all the party’s organs and the grassroots. It is now clear that the rifts within SYRIZA are multiple and the wounds unhealed, leading to new amputation.

nails the “8” to the workers in “Avgi” and “In Red”

Stefanos Kasselakis, with a leak, tried to cause a rift in the relations between “8” of “87” and the striking unpaid workers of “Avgi” and “Sto Kokkino”. As Koumoundourou sources made it known that in the exhortation of Stefanos Kasselakis to the members of the Political Secretariat for financial assistance, so that the workers in the party media, those who have volunteered and lent, so far, amounts according to their capabilities, except for the president himself, are Rena Dourou, Nikos Pappas, Theodora Tzakri, Olympia Teligioridou, Panos Rigas, Nikos Skorinis, Marilisa Xenogiannakopoulou and Panagiota Arapi Beloni, in order to pay part of the accrued wages of the party’s media workers . That is, none of the “8” of the internal party opposition in P.G. and from the leadership team of “87”.

#SYRIZA #Summer #review #protagonists



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