SYRIZA: One step closer to dissolution after the rodeo at the Political Secretariat 2024-08-27 06:13:29

Pavlos Polakis, with his internet connection, pulled the trigger by shooting Stefanos Kasselakis and running for the leadership of SYRIZA. The members of the group of “87” of the internal party opposition left with heavy spikes against Kasselakis. In “bars” are the unpaid striking workers of “Avgi” and “Kokkinos”.

Stefanos Kasselakis, even if he was prepared for such an unfavorable development for him, replied to Pavlos Polakis that “I am not lifting the glove”, “I will not trouble the party!”, “I will not thunder them” and “anyone who wishes to file a proposal censure to do so in the Central Committee”. An attitude that clearly betrays the weakness in which the president of SYRIZA has fallen and that the arrogant style he adopted at the Congress, when he said “bring me a candidate and let’s go to elections…” is now a thing of the past. The escape of the challenge through the Central Committee chosen by Stefanos Kasselakis is not accidental… as, according to the SYRIZA Statute, confidence in the person of the president can be removed if requested by 50%+1 of the members of the Central Committee. , in which he calculates that the presidential candidates still have the majority.

However, after the stormy meeting, Mr. Kasselakis caused new… confusion with his post on the Internet. He tried to “mould” Polakis, attacked those who left and said: “My eyes are on the constitutional conference of SYRIZA… Anyone who wants us to count again is welcome.” His reference to Pavlos Polakis was felt, saying that “I will meet with Pavlos, no matter how things develop”.

The fuse of the rapid developments in Koumoundourou was the intervention of Pavlos Polakis at the meeting, who asked for a policy change, which, as he said, “unfortunately, our current leadership cannot do. It cannot provide a political solution. That is why big changes are needed and soon. And as far as I’m concerned I’ll do my best for it,” declaring himself “present” for the presidency of the party, as an autonomous component and distinct from the rest of the internal party opposition.

However, the release of Pavlos Polakis was a “surprise”, even though with the midnight post he had made on Facebook he made it clear that he is ready to blow everything up…, if Kasselakis does not “eat” Athina Linou, who was the reason for his removal from the Parliamentary Group and it has been proven that the assurances that some apparently gave him were false… He took as “emptying” the regressive decisions of Stefanos Kasselakis regarding the internal… investigation of his complaints about the finances of the “Prevention Institute” of Linos’ family and gnashed his teeth… at the SYRIZA leadership group, mockingly wondering if “Does one need to be a ‘specialist technocrat’ to answer these questions?” arising from the data it publishes and if “the leadership of SYRIZA, which prides itself on how strong it is in finance, cannot judge them?”. Informing Stefanos Kasselakis that he will take the evidence he has against the “Prolepsis Institute” to the Court himself and that he is determined to “continue to the end!”.

He assured that there will be no layoffs

Amidst this atmosphere of conflict that prevails in SYRIZA, the unpaid workers of SYRIZA and the media of the party were once again held hostage. As the majority of P.G. what he decided was to “kick the bucket” once again, saying that every possibility of finding resources and financing (even borrowing) would be exhausted, to pay the workers and to serve the restructuring and rationalization plan of the SMEs. In the meeting that the employees had with Stefanos Kasselakis after the end of the PG meeting, he assured them that there will be no layoffs, but the program will include the possibility of voluntary work for the employees who wish to do so. Thus burning yesterday’s leak that the recommendation of Left Media (and not of the Economic Committee created in the last Central Committee) wanted to include the removal (either by voluntary means or by dismissals) of 30 workers from “Avgi” and 7 to 10 workers from the “Red”.

Heavy accusations from “87”

At the same time, the eight members of the P.G. Olga Gerovasili, Alekos Flambouraris, Katerina Notopoulou, Thanasis Theocharopoulos, Yannis Ragousis, Kostas Zachariadis, Zoe Karkoulias and Eleni Symeonidou, who are considered to be members of the “87”, tightened their grip on Stefanos Kasselakis, accusing him of “concealing information about the finances of the party” and leaving the meeting. In a statement they issued immediately afterwards, they state that “we do not legitimize procedures, behaviors and decisions, which trivialize us as persons and our party”. They nailed Mr. Kasselakis for not making any sustainability proposal for the SYRIZA media, pointing out that “the refusal to provide financial data to the PG. it means a lot for the rules imposed on the New SYRIZA, which only the Left does not express”.

They accused him of “asking for a blank check” and of having “developed a plan for a separatist mechanism”. At the same time, they disagreed and characterized as unacceptable the pressures and methods exerted by the presidential environment in the matter of the resignations that they request from the runners-up of the State ballot, in order for Stefanos Kasselakis to be in the Parliament, saying that “the resignation of the comrade and distinguished scientist Othon Iliopoulos, it was done for extraneous reasons” and that “SYRIZA-P.S. it is an institutional party and cannot operate outside of what the Constitution, the Rules of the House and our bylaws stipulate, leaving members of the State ballot to be swindled and targeted.

We cannot legalize this tactic and these decisions.” On the contrary, what the presidential majority passed on the matter in the SYRIZA announcement is that the P.G. of SYRIZA urges the withdrawal of runners-up, in order for Stefanos Kasselakis to enter the Greek Parliament, which “will contribute decisively to the great, oppositional effort of the party”, as is characteristically emphasized.

The attitude of the group of “87” during yesterday’s meeting did not violate closed doors, as with what had preceded it, it was completely expected for the presidential bloc.

#SYRIZA #step #closer #dissolution #rodeo #Political #Secretariat



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