SYRIZA makes its own judgments about foreign affairs – Confrontation on the question of 11 ND MPs

With the phrase “SYRIZA judges other people’s own affairs” the Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finances Christos Dimas responded to the SYRIZA MP, Christos Giannoulis who spoke about politically cowardly ND MPs, on the occasion of yesterday’s submission of a question by 11 of its MPs on the issue the protection of borrowers from “red” loan management companies.

Christos Giannoulis, during the debate in the plenary session of the Parliament on the ratification of the Greek-Japanese agreement to avoid double taxation, had spoken of a parliamentary question of “11 hitherto silent and to some extent politically timid colleagues of the ND”.

“In SYRIZA, you probably judge other people’s things for yourself. We know each other very well in this room, and with the Greek citizens, who are politically cowards and who are not” replied Christos Dimas.

Subsequently, to the exhortation of Mr. Giannoulis for the abolition of the pretense fee for all freelancers, Mr. Dimas said that this was imposed in 2011 by the Papandreou government and added: “In the next period when we will bring the provisions for the abolition of the fee ambition, let’s see which parliamentary parties will support them and which won’t”.

The parliamentarians of the ND have never been cowards, said in turn the rapporteur of the New Democracy Ath. Lioutas. “They always intervened in government work when they saw failures and possible mistakes. In contrast to the SYRIZA MPs, who never did anything when SYRIZA was in the government of the country.”

In his intervention on the “revolution”, as he described it, of the 11 ND MPs, the head of the KO of “Niki”, D. Natsios, said that the government must see each case separately, whether it was intentional or non-payment debt from someone or, as is the case with the majority, they lost their homes due to foreclosures because they could not meet their loan obligations.

PASOK-Movement for Change MP Paris Koukoulopoulos said that his party has submitted the most comprehensive proposal on private debt and debt arrangements and that the government, “if even now, after the question of 11 of your MPs, we do not listen, then you claim the monopoly of anesthesia.’

On the same issue, KKE MP N. Karathanasopoulos said that the interest of the 11 ND MPs is “hypocritical” because “they accept this anti-popular framework that strangles popular households”, just as “the criticism of the other parties is hypocritical ». We have to identify the causes of the over-indebtedness of ordinary households, and it is not only overdue debts, it is also the arrangements in the tax office, the arrangements in the insurance funds, the reductions in wages, the tax raid, etc. said Mr. Karathanasopoulos.

Source: RES

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