SYRIZA is going to a split conference 2024-08-17 05:18:30

With Stefanos Kasselakis in Mykonos – he allegedly suddenly returned to Athens and visited “Elena” because he was hurt by the noise against him – and the workers in the party media issuing resolutions and desperately asking for a meeting with him to tell them the plans of, the background rages.

Pavlos Polakis has assumed the role of “general” of the “Kasselakiki”, with the aim of “cleansing” the party of Tsipras’ “guard” and its offshoots. The rumors that Kasselakis is afraid of losing his party, etc., have nothing to do with the current reality in SYRIZA. Kasselakis has made an agreement with Polakis, Polakis is the party’s NO2 and this will also be ratified at the Congress. Whether there will be a fight between them at a later stage, is a scenario that the “Tsipriks” are “pushing” to dissolve the Kasselakis-Polaks agreement.

In this climate, it is no coincidence that the MP of Chania recently hinted at “developments” in SYRIZA, targeting the “87” group that is reacting to the disqualification of Alexis Tsipras, nor of course that he directly targeted Athena Linou for involvement in agreements that they brought money from the “opponents”.

“Do not move, do not stir, do not threaten! You’re just creating a storm in a glass! Developments in SYRIZA-P.S. they will exist, for the benefit of the progressive social majority and the left-wing populist program proposal, but obviously not from you,” wrote Polakis, in his post, addressing the key members of the Tsipras “guard”, while he is the one who is allegedly letting leak that Alexis Tsipras is not going to speak at the upcoming Congress because he is afraid of his reaction!

The diffusion of the toxic climate of “polarization” within SYRIZA and the basic indications that everything Polakis does in agreement with Kasselakis, particularly worries Alexis Tsipras and his team.

They see the next conflict as the occasion of the imminent removal of Christos Spirtzis, in which they consider that Kasselakis has pre-decided, also influenced by Polakis pressure, for an internal party clean-up”.

It is also no coincidence that one of Polakis’ “protopalikaras”, the member of K.E. of SYRIZA, Markos Hadjisavvas, fiercely attacked MP Christos Giannoulis, writing in his post: “(Again) I say that the members and friends of SYRIZA are not sheep, while whenever they were called to intervene, they did so with an excess of wisdom. If what has been circulating for 2 days is true and has NOT been denied, that Christos Giannoulis in the pan-Hellenic gathering of the “87” raised as a realistic possibility the departure of MPs from K.O. of SYRIZA… this is the 2nd phase of the recent defection of last September! We were, we are and we will be here… and we see you!”.

A serious episode between “Kasselakians” and “Tsiprians” is expected in view of Kasselaki’s decisions regarding the crisis that the party’s media are going through, with the workers in “Avgi” and “Kokkino” remaining unpaid and not even having received their vacation allowance . The workers have announced new strike actions and have publicly criticized Mr. Kasselakis, accusing him of refusing to meet with them and continuing his vacation in Mykonos.

The reaction of the SYRIZA leadership was the attack launched on the radio workers by the management of Media Left, annoyed by their mobilizations demanding the payment of their earnings, but also by their revelations about the path of dissolution followed by the station after the successive departures of its best-known journalists.

It is said that in the corridors of Koumoundourou there is a list of employees that the new administration does not want in the party media and of employees that it intends to keep and upgrade, considering that the former do not move in the Kasselakis – Polakis climate and the latter can serve it .

Accuracy: 4 suspicious cases under the microscope – Which branches are under investigation

Weather: The mercury will reach 39 degrees Celsius – Local clouds in the mountains

Argolida: The body of a man was found while extinguishing a fire in a car

#SYRIZA #split #conference



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