SYRIZA: In the last five years, the burned areas have tripled

SYRIZA: In the last five years, the burned areas have tripled

The director of the political office of the president of SYRIZA, Manolis Kapnisakis, launched an attack on the government and the “staff state of Mr. Mitsotakis” for the fires.

Specifically for “criminal indifference” and “complete incompetence of the “staff” state of Mr. Mitsotakis, which in combination with the reckless waste of public money for the benefit of the “others”, “leads with mathematical precision to the geometric increase of burned areas” , the director of the political office of the president of SYRIZA-PS, Manolis Kapnisakis, blames the government for the fires.

Manolis Kapnisakis in his statement cites a table of data arguing that while in the last five years the annual state expenditures for the leasing of aerial vehicles have tripled, the burned areas have also tripled.

His statement in detail: “According to official data, while in the last five years the annual state expenditures for the leasing of aerial vehicles have tripled (468,039,745 euros in the period 2020-2024, compared to 113,977,600 euros in the period 2015-2019 amid memorandums ), however, the burned areas have also tripled (3,714,110 acres in the period 2020-2024, against 861,340 acres in the period 2015-2019).

Our country now holds the sad first place in the EU. both in the ratio of burned area per number of fires (in 2023 each fire in Greece burned an average of 10,090 hectares, while in Italy it burned 780 and in France 410), and in the percentage of burned area classified as “Natura 2000” (out of the total of Of the 1,750,000 hectares burned in 2023, 706,400 were in “Natura 2000” sites, amounting to 40% of all burned areas. In 2023, Greece was ranked first with the most hectares of land burned in “Natura 2000” areas. in absolute number).

The above situation is not due to a coincidence, nor to a “local” escalation of the consequences of climate change, especially in our country.

It is clearly the result of the criminal indifference of the ND government and the complete incompetence of the “staff” state of Mr. Mitsotakis, which combined with the reckless waste of public money for the benefit of the “emergent” (since neither prevention is strengthened, nor the aerial means are sufficient, not even firefighters are hired), leads with mathematical precision to the geometric increase of burned areas, which cannot be hidden or mitigated neither by the communication shows, nor by Mr. Mitsotakis’s bombastic, identical, announcements every time over the burnt ones…”.

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