Syria warns of igniting the entire region after Israel’s assassination of Haniyeh

Al-Dahhak said during a Security Council session today on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue: “The Israeli occupation committed a new heinous crime a few days ago, represented by its treacherous aggression on the town of Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan, which resulted in the martyrdom of 12 children and the injury of a number of Syrian civilians.”

He added: “Syria confirms the responsibility of the Israeli occupation for the heinous crime that took place in the town of Majdal Shams, which the occupation used to continue its attacks on the countries of the region.”

He continued: “Maintaining international peace and security requires that the US administrations abandon their destructive policies and stop preventing the Security Council from carrying out its mandate in accordance with the Charter.”

He stressed that “the Zionist entity’s assassination of the head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Ismail Haniyeh, expresses the entity’s mentality and represents its response to the so-called “Biden Plan” that was included in Security Council Resolution 2735.”

He stressed that “Syria warns that the continued disregard of international laws by the Israeli entity and its failure to comply with UN resolutions and calls by member states to stop its massacres may lead to igniting the entire region and threatening regional and international peace and security.”

“In conjunction with the hysterical Israeli attacks on the countries of the region, the suffering of our people in the Gaza Strip continues as a result of the Israeli entity’s persistence in committing crimes of genocide for ten months. The Israeli war criminals would not have persisted in committing war crimes and crimes against humanity without the unlimited American support, hypocrisy and double standards practiced by some Western countries that have engaged in “Israel’s” war on the Palestinian people, and have remained silent about demanding that the Israeli war criminals be held accountable for their crimes. Rather, they have opened their doors to them and met them with applause and cheers,” he continued.

He stressed that Damascus demands that “the Security Council assume its primary responsibilities in condemning the repeated Israeli attacks and taking immediate action to put an end to them, prevent their recurrence, hold their perpetrators accountable, and ensure that they do not escape punishment.”

Source: SANA

#Syria #warns #igniting #entire #region #Israels #assassination #Haniyeh
2024-08-01 15:02:04



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