Syphilis, a disease on the rise among the youth of Río Negro

2023-07-15 08:00:00

The statistics allow specialists to evaluate and analyze the advances of a pathology through the samplings that are done in the different provinces. And these figures indicate that since 2010 the incidence rate of syphilis at the national level has grown steadily.or, as explained in one of its publications by the Department of Response to HIV, STIs, Viral Hepatitis and Tuberculosis of the Ministry of Health of the Nation.

In recent years heThe numbers climbed worryingly up to its maximum peak of 56.1 people per 100,000 inhabitants for both sexes in 2019. With the pandemic, in 2020 there was a notable drop (23.3 people per 100,000 inhabitants) although in 2021 began to mark a notable rise until it reached 26.5 people per 100,000 inhabitants.

By projections made by specialists, 2023 is a year in which the figures will be “worryingly” close once more to the days of the pre-pandemic.

“They look themselves particularly high values ​​of early and unspecified syphilis in some jurisdictions: in La Pampa, especially among the group of women, with a rate of 304.1 per hundred thousand inhabitants; in San Luis, whose male group presents a rate of 86.6 per hundred thousand; and taking both sexes into account, the provinces with the highest rates are La Pampa (162.7 per hundred thousand), San Luis (88.4 per hundred thousand) and Río Negro (46.9 per hundred thousand), according to the bulletin of the Ministry of Health published at the end of last year.

Campaigns and tests

Marina Deorsola is a clinical doctor and a reference for communicable disease programs of the Ministry of Health of the province of Río Negro and explained part of the campaigns that are carried out. “Us from the program we noticed that it is increasing throughout the country. Río Negro does not escape this reality. And that is why since last year we have carried out a campaign in different parts of the province”, he highlighted.

For the professional, the highest incidence is occurring in the age group between 15 and 25 years.
“We seek to make the disease known so that it can be discussed and it is known where it can be tested and then treated”, highlighted the professional when referring to the courses and talks that are being given in different educational establishments where they also included students from the National University of Río Negro and the National University of Comahue.

Deorsola said that The first thing to keep in mind is that Syphilis is transmitted through “unsafe” sexual contact.. “When barrier methods are not used, either vaginal or penile condoms or latex fields, when there is contact with seminal fluid, or vaginal fluids or blood. When sexual intercourse are not cared for, it is probable that this disease is transmitted sexually. It is important to note that it is curable and can be treated with an antibiotic, ”she said.
And he added that it is a pathology that can be known following a blood test that is done for free at any public hospital.

“The important is that Because it is a sexually transmitted disease, the couple must be treated”, said the specialist and coordinator of the technical team that addresses this problem.

“It is treated with one or three doses of antibiotics, but the most important thing is that the couple must be treated,” he said and clarified that a pregnant woman You can also pass it on to your baby, so it’s important to get checked to avoid “congenital syphilis.”.

What is Syphilis?

María Laura Ulzurrun is an infectologist and works at the Roca hospital. The professional explained that it is a bacterial infection, whose main route of transmission is sexual, can be transmitted through contact with skin and mucous membrane lesions. Also during pregnancy through the blood, at the time of conception.

The symptoms can occur in two stages. “The first manifestation is a non-painful sore or ulcer that is in the contact area, it can be on the genitals, anus/rectum or mouth. Many times it goes unnoticed if it is located in folds”, Ulzurrum explained.. In a second stage, if it is not treated, a rash appears, there may be fever, fatigue, headache, lack of appetite.

If not treated at these stages, the infection continues. The skin manifestations heal spontaneously following a few days, but the infection continues. That is why it is important to consult before any injury ”, pointed out the infectologist.
The diagnosis it is simple and can be detected through a blood test. “It’s treated with antibiotics, usually penicillin,” she said.

Regarding the age of the most diagnosed people, the professional indicated that it has been identified in patients of all ages and the cases continue to increase year by year. “Since I was 14, 15 there are already cases”expressed the professional from the Francisco López Lima hospital in the city of General Roca.

STI stigmas

Even though every time there is more information regarding sexually transmitted infections, stigmatizing and discriminatory ideas still persist regarding. The reality is that it can happen to anyone who doesn’t take care of themselves in a sexual relationship.
The infectologist He expressed that, unfortunately, stigmas regarding this type of disease continue to persist. “On the one hand, those who are diagnosed with STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) suffer discrimination. On the other hand, they are not taken into account, it is believed that they are infections from another era, that no longer exist”, he indicated and added “this means that people do not have them in mind and do not take care of themselves with condoms when having sexual relations.
It is very important to emphasize that STIs are still present, more and more and there are many, there are no risk groups, anyone who does not use condoms can have them. That is the only risk factor that exists in this type of disease: not using a prophylactic.


Condoms are the most widely used method to reduce and prevent infections. It should be a new one for each vaginal, anal, or oral act of intercourse and during intercourse (from beginning to end).
recommend get tested regularly (even if you have a stable partner). When the courses are given, they also explain that Personal items that may contain blood, such as blades, toothbrushes, or syringes, should not be shared.
In Río Negro the tests are fast and free.

A click away from the tests

For the teams that usually work in the field, it is also quite a challenge to develop new strategies to get closer to the youngest and for the message to reach them directly. And that is why through From this QR Code, adolescents and young people can immediately access an interactive map not only to find out where they can take tests for Syphilis but also for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

There you can also find the strategic points of free condom delivery dispensers.

“We approach the young population. We tried to find strategies and that is why talks were given at the universities in Roca, Viedma, Bariloche and other locations”indicated the doctor Marina Deorsola who assured that they elaborate different strategies (for example on social networks) to reach the groups with the greatest contagion.
During the talk, The professional from Viedma remarked time and once more that the only way to avoid the spread of this disease is through the use of a barrier method from the beginning to the end in sexual relations.

“Young people have another head and they are open to these talks. The important thing is to give them the tools so that they can avoid contagions”, said the professional. And she remarked that during Throughout last year, HIV and syphilis tests were carried out at popular festivals in different locations.

“Se They provide counseling beyond the time of the test so that they are informed regarding sexuality and sexual practices”, he stressed.

Young Those who enter this interactive map will find the health centers of each locality. And the addresses of each one of them, in such a way that they can request the information they need in case of doubts that may arise.o.
It is important to remark that the studies to carry out this type of test are free and can be obtained very quickly.

#Syphilis #disease #rise #among #youth #Río #Negro



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