Swollen lymph nodes – these diseases can be behind it

Swollen lymph nodes in bacterial infections

Lymph node swelling is typical of bacterial infections such as a tonsillitis, because the purulent tonsillitis in particular causes locally swollen lymph nodes, a sore throat and difficulty swallowing. Even with Lyme disease, an infection that is transmitted by tick bites, sufferers can develop flu-like symptoms with swollen lymph nodes. Also the cat scratch disease belongs to the rather harmless infectious diseases; The pathogen passes from cats to humans via scratches. First, nodules form near the wound, then the lymph nodes closest to the wound swell.

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Swollen lymph nodes in viral infections

Viral infections that can cause swollen lymph nodes include, among others glandular fever. Other symptoms such as a sore throat, headache, fatigue and an enlarged spleen are symptoms that also occur. Also diseases like measles and rubella are accompanied by swollen lymph nodes and fever – both diseases can be vaccinated against. Two to four weeks after infection with the HIV virus Symptoms usually appear, for example: fever, exhaustion, tiredness, feeling unwell and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

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Swollen lymph nodes in cancer

Many cancers are associated with swollen lymph nodes: while at breast cancer the axillary lymph nodes swell, it is colon, uterus and prostate cancer often the lymph nodes in the groin. The lymph nodes in the neck are affected when it comes to Lung, thyroid or stomach cancer acts. In the Hodgkin’s disease As with all other cancers, sufferers usually also suffer from fatigue, night sweats, weight loss and fever, but in the case of the malignant cancer, the lymph nodes in the groin and armpits are painlessly swollen.

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Swollen lymph nodes in rheumatoid diseases

At a rheumatoid arthritis the lymph nodes can also swell near the inflamed joints, the same applies to the Autoimmune disease lupus erythematosus (SLE). In this disease, the immune system attacks the body’s healthy cells and triggers inflammatory reactions such as fever, fatigue, weight loss and swollen lymph nodes.

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