Switzerland’s Last Stone Victory: European Curling Championship Gold!

2023-11-25 12:02:00

European Curling Championships in Aberdeen – Brilliant last stone: Pätz secures European Championship gold for Switzerland! – Sports – SRF

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Contents The Swiss quartet Carole Howald, Selina Witschonke, Silvana Tirinzoni and Alina Pätz won the European championship title for the first time. The CC Aarau team defeated Italy 6:5 in the final at the European Championships in Aberdeen thanks to a perfect last stone. For the It is the Swiss women’s first European title since 2014.

In the end, the European Championship final between Switzerland and Italy turned into a real crime thriller: Skip Silvana Tirinzoni’s team led 5:3 until the 8th end, but Italy made it exciting once more and equalized 5:5. And in the end it got really exciting.

Centimeter decision in the final end

The Swiss, who had the right to the last stone, were challenged to the utmost by their opponents. The CC Aarau team didn’t have the best phase, even the otherwise outstanding Alina Pätz in 4th position failed in the penultimate attempt. Italy had a 2 stone shot and made life difficult for Switzerland with guards in front of the house.

But Pätz didn’t let her missing stone bother her: with a brilliant last stone, which she placed in the center with a so-called “hit and roll”, she decided the final by a few centimeters in favor of the Swiss.

The circle closes with a perfect European Championship

After the 11th victory in the 11th game, the circle has come full circle for Tirinzoni, Pätz and Carole Howald in Aberdeen, Scotland: following 4 (Tirinzoni, Pätz) and 3 (Howald) World Cup titles in a row, gold at a European Championship followed . Selina Witschonke, who only joined the team in May of this year with some background noise, celebrated her first major title.

SRF two, sportlive, November 25, 2023, 10:00 a.m.; sta



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