Swiss Post sends “Welcome advertising” stickers to homes –

Since the beginning of 2023, a postal campaign by La Poste has suggested replacing its “No ads” sticker on its letterbox with stickers in favor of . Included in the mailing, these have the slogan “archyde news welcome”, “Yes to ” or even “Not even afraid of !”. Questioned by email for the program On en parle, La Poste specifies that this campaign is aimed “at private customers in different regions of Switzerland”. It targeted Valais in January. Since February, the cantons of Vaud, Geneva and Friborg have been targeted.

>> To read:

La Poste offers its customers the option of selecting rather than rejecting it

Saving jobs and boosting the economy

This letter is accompanied by three pages arguing the return to the homepage of . For example, La Poste explains that the potential reduction coupons and promotions received would save 2548 francs per year, without specifying on which products or services exactly.

La Poste explains the reasons for this campaign: in a context of “sharp decline in the volume of letters”, this is necessary. “If a customer decides to remove their “No thank you” sticker from their letterbox thanks to this campaign, La Poste will be able to distribute additional items and thus ensure work for its employees in the shrinking mail market. And also jobs for SMEs and Swiss printers. […] Nearly half of the volume of mail processed by La Poste are unaddressed mail, and the vast majority are advertisements.” Hundreds of jobs would indeed be at stake, 540 at La Poste and 560 at its subcontractors.

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>> To read also:

A federal motion wants to ban in mailboxes

The mail also contains a contest with prizes to be won. La Poste ensures that it finances “the campaign, the competition and the prizes” itself.

Between 40 and 60 kilos of paper per household per year

archyde news represents between 40 and 60 kilos of paper per household per year. According to the WWF, paper represents 40% of the trees felled on the planet. This to which La Poste responds by saying “be aware of its ecological responsibility. Since 2017, the processing and distribution of unaddressed mail by La Poste has been CO2 neutral. […] Thanks to the “pro clima” mailing, La Poste offsets C02 emissions and supports various climate protection projects.”

Radio subject: Mathieu Truffer

Adaptation web: Myriam Semaani

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