Swimming Pool Water Consumption: Solutions and Regulations for Sustainable Usage

2023-07-01 08:00:00

The state of play: swimming pools and water consumption

The swimming pool, a luxury that consumes water

In France, the number of private swimming pools is increasing sharply, reaching 3.2 million in 2022. Each of them requires an average of 28 m3 of water per year for its normal maintenance, which represents 23% of average consumption. annual household income in France. This is a non-negligible consumption which, multiplied by the growing number of such equipment, has a significant impact on water resources.

Drought and water restrictions: an impact on swimming pools

Faced with the multiplication of drought episodes, water restrictions are imposed, directly impacting pond owners. In some departments, the filling of pools is even prohibited. These restrictions, while necessary to conserve water, can be frustrating for those looking to enjoy their pool on hot summer days.

The ban on private swimming pools: a solution?

The ban on swimming pools: a controversial measure

Banning swimming pools is a controversial measure. If it would reduce water consumption, it would penalize pool owners and professionals in the sector. Moreover, it might have significant economic consequences, given the importance of the swimming pool industry in France.

Alternatives to prohibition

Rather than prohibiting this equipment, which is very popular with households, solutions exist to limit their water consumption, such as the introduction of progressive tariffs for water or the encouragement of the use of water recycling systems. . These measures, if they were put in place, might make it possible to reconcile the pleasure of bathing and the preservation of water.

Solutions to reduce water consumption

Water-saving maintenance techniques

To reduce the water consumption of your swimming pool, several techniques exist. For example, covering your pool can limit evaporation by 40 to 90%. In addition, it is advisable never to change the water in your pond, but rather to regularly check its quality and treat it if necessary. These simple measures can lead to significant water savings.

Innovative filtration systems

Research is underway to develop filtration systems that would keep pool water healthy without having to change it. For example, a solution of isocyanuric acid chelation on a solid molecular support might make it possible to remove this compound from the basin by simple filtration. These technological innovations might revolutionize swimming pool maintenance and contribute to more sustainable water management.

Greener solutions: is this the future?

The pool kit: an economical and ecological alternative

The pool kit is a practical and affordable solution that allows you to enjoy a pool while limiting your water consumption. Easy to install and dismantle, it offers an interesting alternative to traditional buried pools. In addition, the possibility of customizing the size and shape makes it possible to adapt to the available space, thus avoiding the waste of water.

The use of rainwater: a natural solution

It is also possible to fill the basin with rainwater. By using a water recuperator and an adapted treatment, it is feasible. This solution, both economical and ecological, allows you to enjoy your swimming pool without wasting drinking water. In addition to reducing water consumption, this method makes it possible to use a natural and renewable resource.

Swimming pools: towards stricter regulations?

Laws to regulate water consumption

In the face of drought, laws might be put in place to regulate water consumption in swimming pools. For example, a law might mandate the installation of water recycling systems for all new swimming pools. This measure, although restrictive, might contribute to more sustainable water management. It should be noted that some regions in France have already implemented similar regulations.

A challenge for the future

The issue of water consumption in private pools is a major challenge for the future. It is essential to find solutions to allow everyone to enjoy their swimming pool while preserving this precious resource. Technological innovation, regulation and awareness of pool owners will be key elements in achieving this goal.

#enjoy #summer #wasting #water



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