Fratelli d’Italia stable in the lead, followed by PD and M5s in growth. These are the results of the weekly survey conducted by SWG for La7, in view of the European elections on 8 and 9 June. Here’s how it would go if you voted today in the results of the survey conducted between 30 April and 6 May 2024 on a sample of 1,200 adults resident in Italy (Cati-Cami-Cawi method).
Giorgia Meloni stable in the lead
Firmly in the lead in voting intentions for the European elections is Fratelli d’Italia, the party of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni which stood at 26.6%, as in last week’s survey, announced on 29 April.
Pd and M5s are growing
Elly Schlein’s Democratic Party is six points behind Fdi at 20.6%. The party is growing by 0.3% compared to the last survey when it was at 20.3 percent. Giuseppe Conte’s M5s rises by half a point: this week it records 16.1% in voting intentions recorded by Swg. Matteo Salvini’s league stood at 8.8%, up 0.2% compared to the April 29th survey. Tajani’s Forza Italia-Noi moderates is at 8.5%, up 0.1% compared to the poll a week ago.
The other lists above the 4% threshold
Here are the other lists that from the survey appear above the 4% threshold, which allows entry to the European Parliament. At 4.9% we find the United States of Europe, the purpose agreement between +Europa and Emma and Matteo Renzi’s Italia Viva which has grown by 0.4 percent since last week. Followed by the Greens and the Left at 4.6% (+0.1%), a federation with an environmentalist and democratic socialist orientation made up of Green Europe and the Italian Left. at 4.5% there is Carlo Calenda’s Azione, up 0.3% compared to the survey of April 29th.
Lists below the 4% threshold
Here are the lists currently below the 4 percent threshold. at 2.3%, up 0.2% compared to the previous week, there is Libertà by Cateno De Luca. Michele Santoro’s Peace, Land and Dignity list is down 0.2% compared to April 29. The other lists are at 1.3%, down 1.9% compared to last week’s survey.
#Swg #European #elections #Meloni #stable #lead #growing
2024-05-07 13:13:38