Swallows’ Sojourn: The Frosty Trials of Migrating at Lake Balaton

Due to the cold, windy and rainy weather, swallows were also in trouble around Lake Balaton. Andor Pálinkás, the birder of the Southern Balaton Group of the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association, told likeBalaton.hu that he had received a lot of worried messages and phone calls in recent days.

Many people asked him why there are so many swallows at the Siófok railway station, what happens to these birds, because they fly back and forth, and some are hit by cars.

These swallows flew into the building en masse in Balatonszepezden:

Swallows can even starve to death in 3-4 days

– From one moment to the next, the air temperature dropped by 15-20 degrees, and the insects disappeared in the air: some of them died, and some of them hid in such a way that they became inaccessible to the swallows that only feed on flying insects – explained Andor Pálinkás.

“In fact, it’s just a sensual disappointment that “there are many swallows”. Under normal circumstances, these birds hunt at high altitudes, scattered over huge areas, so we don’t notice them. Most of the swallows we have just seen are passing over us, heading south from the northern areas.

Since the flying insects have disappeared from the air due to the cold, the fork-tailed ones can even starve to death in 3-4 days. They need a lot of energy to fly and move.

Their metabolism is fast, their existing minimal reserves are burned almost immediately, so they need continuous nutrition and non-stop insect hunting. The swallows are therefore now flying lower, trying to get food at ground level, or huddling on buildings to warm each other.

Fortunately, there are still a few of the Balaton orphaned mosquitoes left, which means hope for the swallows

– summed up the birder, who also talked about what we can do and how we can help birds in trouble.

Swallows at Lake Balaton
Photo: Gál Szabolcs

Do not go near the swallows in a protected place

– If they managed to settle in a protected place, let them rest. Don’t go to them, don’t bother them. In such cases, they warm each other by huddling under the shelter and reserve their energy – pointed out the Siófok ornithologist.

As he said, they skillfully maneuver between cars, but it still happens that the drivers hit them. Take care of them, if possible, drive more slowly

he added.

Boil the mealworm intended for the swallows

– If the swallow falls to the ground, carefully put it in a box and bring it into the apartment for a few hours to warm it up. Don’t try to feed them bread with seeds.

Anglers should not give them bones, because bone is a fly larva that chews birds apart from the inside and they die. Scalded mealworms can be used, although it is very difficult to feed a swallow with tweezers at all as a layman.

We should always ask rescue organizations for help and advice – warns Andor Pálinkás, who adds that even if we don’t give them anything, it is possible that they will warm up after a day. If we see that they are able to fly again, let’s try to release them again.

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Opening image: Gál Szabolcs

– What should you do if you find a swallow on the‌ ground during harsh weather?

Here is a ​comprehensive and SEO-optimized article based on the ⁢provided⁣ text:

Swallows in Distress: Understanding ​and⁣ Helping these Feathered Friends during ⁣Harsh Weather

As⁣ the‌ cold, windy, and⁣ rainy weather sets in around Lake Balaton, swallows are ⁢facing a severe crisis. Many concerned citizens ‍have ​contacted ⁣Andor Pálinkás, a birder from the Southern Balaton Group of the Hungarian ‍Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association, seeking ⁣answers about the‌ fate of these birds. In this article, we’ll delve into the struggles of swallows during harsh weather and ‌explore ways to assist ‍them.

Why are Swallows Congregating in Large ‍Numbers?

During extreme⁤ weather conditions, swallows tend to flock together, often seeking shelter in buildings, such⁤ as the⁣ Siófok railway⁣ station. This phenomenon can ⁣be misleading, as ‍it appears that there are⁤ more swallows than⁤ usual. In reality,‍ these birds are passing through the area, heading south from northern regions, and congregating ‍due to the⁢ lack of‌ food.

The Devastating Effects of⁢ Cold Weather

The sudden drop in air temperature by 15-20 degrees has caused insects to disappear from the air, ​leaving swallows without their primary food source. With their metabolism running at a fast pace, swallows require continuous nutrition and non-stop⁣ insect hunting to survive. Without‍ this sustenance,⁢ they ⁣can starve to death in as little as 3-4 days.

Adapting to Adversity: Swallows’ Survival Strategies

In desperation, swallows ​are forced to fly at lower altitudes, searching for food ​at ground level or ⁤huddling⁤ on ‍buildings to warm each other. Fortunately, some Balaton orphaned‍ mosquitoes remain, providing a glimmer of hope for these birds.

How Can We Help Swallows ⁣in⁣ Distress?

  1. Respect their space: If ​swallows have managed​ to settle ⁣in a protected⁣ place,‌ let them​ rest.⁢ Avoid disturbing ⁢them, as they ‌are conserving ​energy ‌by huddling together under the shelter.
  2. Drive carefully: Be cautious ⁤when driving, as swallows may ⁢be flying low to ‌the ground, increasing their risk of being hit ⁢by ​cars. Slow down and be vigilant to avoid accidents.
  3. Provide sustenance: If you ⁤find a swallow on the ground, ‍carefully place it in a​ box and bring it ⁢into a warm​ environment for a few hours. Avoid feeding them bread with seeds, ⁣as it can⁤ be detrimental to their health. ⁢Instead, offer ⁢boiled mealworms, which can be used to feed swallows, although this can be a challenging task for non-experts.
  4. Seek expert advice: If you’re unsure about ⁢how to care ​for​ a swallow, contact local rescue ⁤organizations for guidance and​ assistance.

Tips for Anglers and ‍Animal Enthusiasts

Anglers, please refrain from offering ⁢swallows fish bones, ⁣as they ​can contain fly larvae that can harm the birds from the inside ‌out. Instead, ⁣opt for scalded mealworms⁤ as a safer alternative.


As the ‌weather ⁣conditions continue to ⁤pose a ⁤threat to ⁢swallows, it’s essential to understand their plight‌ and offer assistance when possible. By‍ respecting their space, providing sustenance, and seeking expert advice, we can make a positive impact ​on the lives of these⁤ remarkable birds.‌ Remember,‍ even small acts of kindness can ‌go ‌a long way ‌in helping swallows survive ‌during harsh weather conditions.

SEO ⁣Keywords: swallows, Lake ‍Balaton,‌ harsh​ weather, bird conservation, Hungarian Ornithological ​and ‍Nature Conservation Association, mealworms, bird ‌rescue‍ organizations.


Swallows in Trouble: What You Can Do to Help During Harsh Weather

Lake Balaton, a popular tourist destination in Hungary, has been experiencing harsh weather conditions, putting swallows in a precarious situation. Andor Pálinkás, a birder from the Southern Balaton Group of the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association, has been receiving worried messages and phone calls from concerned citizens regarding the large number of swallows seen at the Siófok railway station. These birds, typically seen flying high in the air, are now flying low, searching for food and warmth.

Swallows Can Even Starve to Death in 3-4 Days

The sudden drop in air temperature and disappearance of insects from the air have left swallows without their primary source of food. Andor Pálinkás explains that swallows need to eat constantly to maintain their high metabolism and energy levels, as they burn their minimal reserves quickly. Without food, they can starve to death in just 3-4 days. Fortunately, there are still some orphaned mosquitoes left around Lake Balaton, providing hope for the swallows.

Do Not Go Near the Swallows in a Protected Place

If swallows have managed to settle in a protected place, it’s essential to leave them alone and let them rest. Andor Pálinkás advises against disturbing them, as they need to conserve energy. He also reminds drivers to be cautious and drive slowly, as swallows may fly low and risk being hit by cars.

Boil the Mealworm Intended for the Swallows

If you find a swallow on the ground, carefully place it in a box and bring it into a warm apartment for a few hours. Avoid feeding them bread with seeds, as it can harm them. Instead, boil mealworms, which can provide the necessary nutrients for the swallows. Anglers should also be careful not to give them bones, which can contain fly larvae that can harm the birds from the inside out.

**What to Do If You Find a Swallow on the



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