SV Ried is fighting against a negative record

Will SV Guntamatic Ried finally get their first point in the spring season? The Innviertel team started the second half of the second football league with two defeats – today (6.10 p.m., Innviertel Arena) they are looking for compensation against Stripfing.

League leaders GAK have long been 14 points ahead of the Innviertel team due to their failures, today things could get even worse: If the Vikings remain without points against the Lower Austrians, Ried is even threatened with a negative record. Zero points after the first three spring rounds: This only happened in the 2011/2012 and 2016/2017 seasons – and then they were still active in the Bundesliga. In the second highest division, the Innviertlers have never started with three defeats in the first three spring rounds.

Havenaar is out again

Coach Maximilian Senft’s team has to struggle with failures against Stripfing: midfield strategist Nemanja Celic is suspended, defense chief Nikki Havenaar is still out due to injury. Belmin Beganovic is also struggling with muscle problems again and will probably not be in the squad today. “We have a score to settle with Stripfing. We want to beat them in our own way,” says Ried coach Maximilian Senft.

Video: Interview with SV Ried coach Maximilian Senft

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Raphael Watzinger

Sports editor

Raphael Watzinger

Raphael Watzinger


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